EnviroJobs Needs Your Help!

The EnviroJobs Website has become too busy to handle. If you would like to contribute to the maintenance of this site, please contact me at ndamato@netscape.net. Contributions are made on a voluntary basis, and you will receive an author's webmaster credit and a link to the Web page of your choice (subject to approval). You can even list your assistance on your resume! EnviroJobs gets a lot of traffic, particularly from students and teachers, you may reap the benefits of this demographic for your own site (see the restrictions for a description of the types of sites you may link to). Below are some ways that you can contribute:.

The Website: http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~envjobs/

Nicholas E. D'Amato - Webmaster


Link Credits are limited to one graphic, 50 x 140 pixels (this is negotiable). Up to 2 additional text links (6 words each) are also permitted. You may also write a 50 word credit that will appear on your main page(s). Additional credited information may appear on a "Contributor's Page" which is under construction. All pages linked to are subject to the webmaster's approval and compliance with The Ohio State University terms for web content. Links to commercial Websites (e.g. ones that charge a fee for goods or services) will require a legal disclaimer indicating that they are not associated with The Ohio State University.

Pages subitted to The Ohio State University server may NOT request personal informaton from readers, however you may direct them to an off-site page which does (subject to approval). Please avoid complicated scripts or excessive animation. Music is permitted. Please try to restrict submitted files to 500 KB or less (negotiable).

In short everything is subject to approval. Also pages which I upload to the OSU server are subject to further approval by The Ohio State University, so please keep this in mind.