Griese Surgery Next Week
Brian Griese's shoulder surgery is set for sometime next week.  Not sure when exactly- but I'll keep you posted.

The surgery is to repair a torn labrum and seperated AC joint- both injuries occured in the two Broncos - Raiders games this year. 

The time it takes to get over this surgery is about 3 or 4 months before Brian can even throw again.  Coach Mike Shanahan says Brian is the kind of person who'll hit the weight room hard and come back next year with a stronger shoulder than ever.

Brian also said he will not let this injury happen again to him- "not on his watch."

Brian is one of 6 Broncos scheduled for surgery next week. The others are Mike Anderson, Bill Romanowski, Ed McCaffrey,Tom Nalen, Harold Hasselbeck and KC Jones.  His is the most important and involved, however.
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