Dances of Gor

Slaves of Tyros, on this page you will find links to quotes on the different types of dances known on Gor. The quotes are a guideline to help you when formulating your dances.  Read them carefully, but do not be intimidated.  Use them as an outline for what you should be feeling. The movements are yours, but take the feelings with you as you write your dance.

At the bottom of each page you will find some notes or information that will help you learn how to construct that particular dance.These are not all in place at the moment but will be updated as she can manage them.

Not all slaves are meant to be dancing slaves. But all slaves are expected to understand how to dance at least the basics, a need dance, a pole dance and one other (the choice is yours, drifter reccomends a placatory dance since it is one of the three all slaves may be asked to perform during testing,  however know that if commanded you will be expected to perform anything listed here) should serve most girls well. It is suggested that sometime before you take your red silk test you learn and understand each of these types.

As the dancing girls of the Palace write and perform original dances they will be added to each page beneath the quotes. These pages are under construction constantly, so if the information is not there, check with one of the slaves wearing the title of dancing slave she will be able to help you

~*drifter*~ {WPT}~R~
dancing slave of Tyros

Bead Dance
Beauty Dance
Belt Dance
Chain Dance
Cymbal Dance
Leash or Tether Dance
Love Dance
Need Dance
Dance of the Newly Collared slave
Placatory Dance
Pole Dance
Sa-eela Dance
Dance of the Six Thongs
Tile Dance
Dance to the Hope of Tina
Unusual Dances of Gor
Veil Dance
Whip Dance

General Quotes

Quotes on Training Slaves to dance

Now that you have read the quotes you should take a look at the links below. These pages are designed to help with the general outline of a dance.

tender's Tips

Things to Remember

Please See your Dance trainer for your assignments and testing, they will provide you with them.
These dance pages were done with love as a gift
Master Ubar
Dillinger Enocenti

her sisters
~*drifter*~ {WPT}~R~~


This page was last modified on the 26th of February 2003