OCTOBER 17-18, 2008


For RA's in Grades 4-6

All boys in Grades 4-6 from Mission Kids and the church/neighborhood are welcome to participate.


Cost: $12.00 - per person per night (includes insurance and awards).

Schedule: Friday - Begin with your group setting up camp. CAMPFIRE SERCICE.

Saturday - Each group prepares own breakfast and clean-up. All competition events will take place Saturday morning by Chapters. Awards service will be held upon completion of all events. Each group prepares own lunch, breaks camp and cleans campsite. All campers leave for home Saturday after lunch.

Awards: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons will be given in each event. All boys who do not place in events will receive participation ribbons.

1st and 2nd place team trophies will be given for Chapter Teams earning most total points.

Knot Tying:

4 boys - Boys will form a relay team with each being asked to tie correctly one of the required knots for Hiker or Camper patches: square, clove hitch, 2-half hitch, and figure 8. This is a timed event.

Tent Pitching:

4 boys - Boys will form a team, put up and take down a camp "pup tent", tying all lines correctly and staking all loops. This is a timed event.

Water Boiling:

4 boys - Boys will form a team to lay and light a fire to boil water in a can. Grass and such other natural materials may be used only to start fire and may not be used to build up fire. No paper, etc. may be used. All fire materials must be gathered at site as part of the event. This is a timed event.


4 boys - Each boy will be asked to take a reading of a different object. The winner will be the team whose readings are in error the fewest degrees. This is not a timed event.

Log Sawing:

2 boys - Boys will form a team to saw through a log with a bow saw. This is a timed event.

First Aid:

4 boys - Each boy will be asked to perform a first aid or safety procedure from Hiker or Camper requirements. This is a timed event.


All boys in group - Each boy will shoot one arrow at target. Standard five-ring scoring will be used. The score for each boy will be added together for the team average score.


All boys in group - Each boy will shoot one shot at target. Standard five-ring scoring will be used. The score for each boy will be added together for the team average score.


Your own tents, camping and cooking equipment. Own food for cooking for Friday night supper, Saturday breakfast and lunch. Parent-signed medical release form for each boy. Fires will need to be kept to a minimum. Restrooms will be available.


All skills will be those required for Hiker and Camper patches. All equipment necessary for the competition will be provided with the exception of fire-building materials. Unit campsites for tents and cooking will be in the RA Camping Area. All events will be held in the Camping Area. Each Chapter must enter every event to be eligible for the team trophies. A boy may enter as many events as he desires; however, the goal is to involve as many of your boys as possible. If a Chapter has 12 or more boys participating, they may divide and enter two teams. Small church groups may combine with small groups to make a team.

For Reservations: Call Sharon Cain at UBA 713-957-2000, Ext 208
For Information: Call RA Director Herb Weaver at 713-957-4406 or


Take Hwy 59 North to New Caney Exit. Turn right at intersection and go until it dead-ends(about a long block) and turn right. Go to traffic light and turn left. Go about a mile - after you cross a long bridge, turn right on the first blacktop road(State Park sign). It will be about a mile or less back to the ranch. Just curve as the road curves and come in the gate that says Camp Holy Wild. (Note: Follow State Park signs from US59)


If a parent is not coming with a boy, then you must have a medical release form signed by the parent. For accident insurance the boy's family insurance will be the primary provider. Trinity Pines camper insurance will be primary provider for any boy without family insurance and secondary provider for deductible or balance of payment.


is sponsored by

Royal Ambassador Committee

Union Baptist Association