Camp Holy Wild

(Formerly Golden Cross Ranch)

October 3-4, 2008

1st - 2nd - 3rd Grade Boys

From: Royal Ambassadors

    Mission Kids

      Church Neighborhood

Counselors and Parents (either Dad, Mom or both)

Bring your 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade boys to Camp Holy Wild for a time of camping activities and fellowship. Boys can come without parents. Each group must have a leader in charge.


Begins at 7:00 p.m. Friday. Camp ends with lunch on Saturday.

Camping Arrangements

Tent camping . Bathroom facilities will be available.

Meal Arrangements

Your group will prepare your own meals; Saturday breakfast and lunch. Fires need to be kept to a minimum.


Friday - Register and set up, chapter fellowship and campfire. Saturday - Assemble after breakfast. Camp will be divided into units led by RA leaders and staffers for activities. Activities will include crafts, campcraft skills, games, nature hike and more.


Campout Registration - $11.00 per person


All groups should register in advance. Call Sharon Cain at the UBA office 713-957-2000. Indicate number of boys attending.


Take Hwy 59 North to New Caney Exit. Turn right at intersection and go until it dead-ends(about a long block) and turn right. Go to traffic light and turn left. Go about a mile - after you cross a long bridge, turn right on the first blacktop road(State Park sign). It will be about a mile or less back to the ranch. Just curve as the road curves and come in the gate that says Camp Holy Wild. (Note: Follow State Park signs from US59)


If a parent is not coming with a Lad, then you must have a medical release form signed by the parent. For accident insurance the boy's family insurance will be the primary provider. Trinity Pines camper insurance will be primary provider for any boy without family insurance and secondary provider for deductible or balance of payment.

For More Info


is sponsored by

Royal Ambassador Committee

Union Baptist Association