I'm sorry but Use the Force is closed. Please don't get me wrong, I still love Star Wars as much as I ever did, I just couldn't keep up with the emails I got from this site. However, I did work very hard, and I appreciate everything you've all done for me, so I'm still going to keep UTF accessible. You can reach it here. But please don't email me about it, or fill out any of the forms and what not. It is closed, and I will not be updating it anymore. Please remove all links to this site. I still can't believe the success of this site, and I appreciate the 10,000 visitors! Thank you so much!

However, I'm still alive, so don't hesitate to email me if you want to chat or something! I've still got two other sites as well, a Moulin Rouge clique here and my personal hosted/blog site here.

Again, I'm sorry for this, and thanks to all who contributed this site, and the friends I made along the way. Please keep in touch with me at meloreiel@yahoo.com.

Fare thee well,