Volume 1 - Issue 2 [October 2003]

The Ta-Grapevine
The Ta-Grapevine

This month it was heard through the crack in the servery wall…

That silly girl valya locked herself in the cages while cleaning them.. Master Jameson's new nickname for her is butter baby as verena came to the rescue by using bosk butter to free her.

This proves verena isn't the first girl just for her good looks and saucy serves.

And keahi, oh that keahi, she was kicking up in the dance pit this week so rumor has it she will be a dancing sensation on the Gorean strip in no time.

The babies of Master Ubar's chain, teryl and indera, have become bookworms - so much so that they reportedly got walked on in the kajira training cylinder. Someone thought they were part of the furniture!

And from a bird's eye view from a Guard tower, slaves could be seen picking up pieces of broken glass cups. Guess that Mistress Jordana has been practicing her really high notes.

Has anyone else noticed that many more Masters in the Palace are smiling wider and whistling a happier tune? Does that have anything to do with tendereye's recent promotion? Is that how she worked her way up the kajira cadre ladder?

The palace redsilks drifter and melina have been thinking of ways to recruit more Members. It has been whispered that a Master raid is being planned: look out Victoria! The sluts of Tyros are after your Men!

It was a quiet month in the palace this month, but it has been heard from the crack in the servery wall that next month promises to be a bit more juicy. O.one never knows what they will see through that little crack.

~The Tyros tattle-tale~
