Gaining Membership to Tyros

The homestone is the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social anchor of the Gorean. It is where each owe their loyalty and honor. To most, it is the place of their birth, to others it is an adopted home. To be without a homestone is to be without an anchor in a swirling sea of chaos.

Over the course of a two week period You should visit at least seven times. You must interact with the Members of Tyros for at least one - two hours each visit.

You must submit to the Administrator a request via Email concerning Your desire to become a Member. It would also be helpful but not necessary to have a short bio with this application.

Your petition for Membership will considered by the Administrator and His Mate and You will be informed of the decision. Please remember that there are more than one Person involved in this and it may take several days or even longer to get approval.

This is a Gorean Roleplaying Room, Please stick to R/P! When asked to participate in something try it You might like it.

Always remember this is Your Home-Stone. Be here often and spend time with F/family

To better help Those who are new Here is some information on the Occupations of Gor... Peasants make up the majority of the population of Gor. A Gorean caste, which is identified by colors, is the structure of each profession or occupation of Each Person in the Gorean society. The castes will not change, but People may change They’re caste. A/all goreans belong to castes except four groups:

Wagon People

The five High castes require the Second Knowledge (the Gorean version of college). The lower Castes while not in need of this knowledge are just as much fun if not more so to Role-play out. look over the Information here and feel free to ask any questions either in the room or via our Email

Gor is mostly made up of peasants make up the majority of the population. A Gorean caste, which is identified by colours, is the structure of each profession or occupation of Each Person in the Gorean society. The castes will not change, but People may change Their caste. A/all goreans belong to castes except three groups: slaves, outlaws and priest-kings.

-- Initiates --
Representatives of the Priest Kings,
their color is white.

-- Scribes --
Scholars and Clerks,
their color is blue.

-- Builders --
Includes builders, architects etc,
their colour is yellow.

-- Physicians --
The Caste of Physicians,
their color is green.

-- Warriors --
The Caste of Warriors,
their color is red.

-- Assassins --
Their color is black.

-- Bakers --
Their colors are yellow/brown.

-- Carcoal Makers --
Their colors are black/gray.

-- Lighter --
Their colors are striped green/white/red.

-- Merchants --
Their colors are gold/white.

-- Metal Workers --
Their color is steel gray.

-- Peasant --
Their color is brown.

-- Players --
Their colors are red/yellow.

-- Poets --
Their colors are aqua/red.

-- Pot Makers --
Their color is brown/green.

-- Saddle Makers --
Their color is tan.

-- Slavers --
Their colors are blue/yellow
(sub caste of the Merchants)
-- Sleen Trainers --
-- Wood Carriers, Woodsmen --
Their colors are brown/black
(may be a sub castes or a specialty)

-- Singers --
Their colors are aqua/red

-- Tarn Keepers --
Their colors are gray/green.

-- Vintners --
Their colours are white/green
(to represent leaves)

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Gorean Animals Gorean Plants Gorean Healing Gorean Dictionary (Shared by Tharna)
Slave Chores Slave Silks Slave Positions Slave Serves The Collaring The Branding
A slave's Litany A kajira's Prayer Slave Dancing