Links 2
Is your English lousy?  If you speak German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, or Chinese then you can translate this site!  Babelfish takes little time to load (but the Java can take a while, sometimes).  The program translates in very little time.  You'll need to download a font pack to view the Asian sets.  Very cool.
The Flick Filosopher
Sarcastic movie reviews.  Brutally honest.  Culturally smart(-ass?) for the geek.  What's not to like?  A lady with linguistic manipulation entertains with her own commentary on the newest flicks.  Specials on the AFI 100 and Oscar Best Pictures.  The site is a breeze to load, and features the all new Bias Meter!
Pattern Language
Chris Alexander is one of my favorite architects.  Now, he has created on of my favorite websites.  The material in this website provides a continuation of Alexander's basic premise of architecture: making places that live.  You can see how buildings, towns, cities, and whole regions can become more alive.  The website has been redesigned to reduce all the Java, and improve overall navigation.  It is certainly a clean, simple design, until you encounter some old material.
Del Rey On-Line Writing Workshop
Simply put, you review other people's works, and when you get enough points, you can submit your own writing for review.  It isn't that hard, folks.  Except that you have to actually read other people's work.  The site is fast, and the possibilities of talking to other wannabe writers is interesting.  Registration is necessary, as is forking over some money.  If this situation doesn't change, I'll remove this link.
Nikos Salingaros's Web Site
What is so special about this guy?  He just has the mathematical justification for Christopher Alexander's architectural stance.  If you love math and think that the current architectural form is out of sync with logic, then please visit his sight.  Lots of mathematical texts, easy to load, tons of information to excite you.  If you are one the 97% of the population that doesn't know or doesn't care about math and architecture, then this site will bring you into a coma.
Eric S. Raymond's Web Site
Again, who is this guy?  Just an articulate hacker whom I think he knows what he is talking about.  If you think "hacker" = that War Games kid, you need to visit this site if only to understand the difference between real hackers and folk such as crackers, etc.  Has many FAQs, including the wonderful "How To Become a Hacker" FAQ.  Everything is text-heavy, so it loads quickly.  Highly Reccomended.
Python is a computer language somewhat derived from C.  Quite simple to download and learn.  It has a support community, but I have not used them (yet).  It is recommed by Eric Raymond as a first language, and so far he seems right.  Some people have compared it to BASIC (which I haven't learned nor intend to learn).
Fred MacMurray
Fred who?  This guy was in a lot of movies from the 1930s until the 1960s.  So what?  So I had a dream about him, and at the time I didn't even know about him.  Needless to say, this guy was in a lot of (good?) movies -- The Apartment, The Caine Mutiny, The Absent-Minded Professor, Double Indemnity, and The Egg and I.  There seems to be no official Fred MacMurray site, but this site here gives enough info and links for any budding fan of the man with the really, really creepy smile.
Arts and Letters Daily
Back from bankruptcy, AL&D lives!  During the dark, uh, couple of days that the website ceased to be, readers were directed to the still-living
Science and Technology Daily and Business Daily Review.
Ah, to revel in elitist intellectualism!  Read the articles!  Raise your IQ!  Elevate yourself above the masses!  Seriously, this is good stuff.  Oh, what is it?  Just links to essays, articles, and book reviews.  Just the best reads on the web.
Slow Wave
Comic strips about people's dreams.  The concept is simple.  You e-mail the guy your dreams, and about decade later he draws it.  You're not alone when certain dead actors with creepy smiles invade your head.
Do you find great displeasure at unwanted direct-advertising?  There are methods, techniques, and maybe cash after which to be sought from the folks who make their business to annoy you and me.  How to battle spam, junk mail, telemarketing, and junk faxes.  Has links to legal codes and other websites to help you keep your sanity.  You can also download a program to block ads, but only Opera will block pop-up ads.
Mooneyham's Newz & Viewz
A Futurist who has written what he thinks will happen between now and the heat-death of the Universe.  Includes extensive criticism of the current administration's fascist policies, copyright restrictions, and corporatist monopolies.  Predicts the rise of Artificial Intelligent (AI) sentient beings, the re-rise of Russia (not really good or bad), and "Virtual States".  Nothing but text.  Fast even for dial-up connections, unless the particular document is especially long.