More Pictures
Here I am with Britney Spears.  Me and her are pretty tight.  We're big fans of Mcdonalds too thats why both the pics are taken in Mcdonalds...uh yea, thats it.  No really, me and Jeannie and Krystal went to a couple Mcdonalds for the sole purpose of taking pictures with the Lifesize Britney....dont judge us.
This is me in my bed.  Notice the spice girls sitting right there and there's also a Buffy Action figure in front of the TV. 
I wear too much orange.  I have so much orange stuff and I love it, everything I own is orange.  I am known by some as "The Orange Boy"
These pics were taken Jan. 2001
Here is me and in the back you can see some of my super cool Xmen posters that I havent taken down.  I used to have a lot but most fell, and now its just my Wizard Rogue one and the Xmen and Wildcats one.
Here is me, my youngest brother Jimmy and my cousin Meghan on Easter 2001.
This is me in March 2001 just sittin there lookin kinda stupid.