Hello everyone, and welcome to One Last Memory. This is, I guess you could say another dedication to mom. This section is about our last precious memories we made with mom, Christmas of 98. We all knew we wanted to be with mom for Christmas this particular year, to kinda cheer her up. She had just gotten out of the hospital, and we knew that maybe this attempt would make mom see how wonderful her life could be if she would only take that chance. So all 5 of us girls, and our families made a trip to Ohio for this special time.

    It was truly wonderful! One of the best Christmas Holidays I have ever had, no wait, the BEST Christmas Holiday I ever had. Our big family all together, the wonderful smile I saw on mom's face, the laughter, the joking, and just us girls being just that, girls, the family we were meant to be.

    We arrived in Ohio about 3:00 am Christmas Morning. UGH! We traveled through ice storms, and snow storms, until we finally had to pull over and get a motel room. I was so anxious to get to Ohio, but I knew it was a wise choice to pull off. I was excited about introducing Randy to the family, seeing my family, and seeing mom. I was so happy when it finally happened. It might have been a little later than expected, but happened nonetheless.

    We had such a wonderful time! Even Randy said it was one of the best Christmas Holidays he has ever had. Mom loved Randy to pieces. I remember on Christmas night, when everyone left, we stayed a little while longer with mom. We chatted, and laughed, and shared our wonderful life with her, and you know what, she was truly happy for me. It was really at that moment in my life, when I discovered exactly how much I loved mom. Reguardless of everything that had happened in the past, my heart just reached out to her. We could just be ourselves, Mother and Daughter, for once in our lives, we really connected. And how I miss that now. How I miss the only person I would ever call mom.

    I'm not sure why I actually decided to do this section of my site, knowing how difficult it would be for me to do. I guess maybe it is still another part of the healing process. Another way to show me how much I really did love mom, and how much I really miss her in my life. I guess that she is the real inspiration behind my site. I often wish I could tell her that now, but somehow I think she knows.

    So what I say to you now, each of my visitors, if you still have your mom in your life, always understand her, always be there for her, and certainly, always love her unconditionally.

    Here below you will see our Christmas Album of '98. Just click on the Album, and you will be escorted to the contents within. Thanks for visiting.

    Artwork displayed here by Lesley Harrison

    Backgrounds and Design ©2000 Janie Johnson