Hello everyone and welcome to my dedication to Allison Coxsey. Some of you may say who is Allison Coxsey? Well she is a wonderful writer, poet, and she has a heart of gold. I met Allison here on the internet, no not in person, but if the good Lord ever allows that, I would be honored. Allison is a person like you or I, but she has an extraordinary heart, an unselfish nature, and words that can touch you clear to your soul. She is truly an inspiring individual, and she writes from the heart. That is what poetry is all about isn't it. Allison has a website called Allison's Heart. Go visit to see all of her poetry.
Allison has truly been a God send to me. I don't suppose she realizes what she means to me. She is so supportive, she congratulates me on the things I accomplish, and that is why I love to share things with her. Within my pages are some of my favorite poems that Allison has wrote. I could go on and on and read them over and over. I think I visit her site at least 3 times a day. So much meaning in each of these poems. So soothing to the soul. So if you can appreciate poetry, then I am sure you can appreciate the poetry from Allison's Heart.

Allison, you are a truly wonderful lady. I was richly blessed by God when he sent you to me. You do so many things for others around you, and you do those things out of geniune love and care. You are like a breath of fresh air on a stale day. I just want to tell you thanks, from the deepest part of my heart, for all you have instilled in my very own heart. You are a true inspiration to me Allison. Never change who you are, always stay the wonderful lady that you are. May god richly bless your life Allison. I love you, your spirit, and your heart! Thank you for being a wonderful friend.

I have some of my favorites that Allison wrote, just click here to read them.

And don't forget to go by and visit Allisons Heart!