Two Navels

"My father and your daughter--they both went to find the truth, and it has killed both of them."

Admit it--you wanted to know what the two navels thingy is all about.  I got it from the book The Woman Who Had Two Navels by Nick Joaquin which was about Conchita Vidal, a young woman who runs away from her problems by telling everyone she has two navels.  On her honeymoon, she ran away and flew to Hong Kong. Her reason? To see a horse doctor because she was afraid her husband might see her two navels and reject her.  Well, she was an obedient daughter who married her mother's lover but she wasn't stupid... She had plans, oh yes she did.  But all of them involved some running away, some sort of disappearance.  That's what made me like the character because I, too, did a lot of running and disappearing.  So if I suddenly disappeared and you can't contact me, maybe I have run away...