The Egghead & Olga Trilogy

The Ogg Couple

I think it is fair to say that the Egghead and Olga trilogy is not held in very high esteem by most Bat-fans. Oh, the Cossack Sabre Dance and the Caviar Dunk are both certainly nice, and the music written for the fights between the Terrific Trio and the Bessarovians is catchy, but the episodes as broadcast drained any menace from the Egghead character and are generally considered to be something of a mess.

Starting here, however, I will argue that much of the problem with the trilogy is the episodes were not broadcast in their proper order. Watched as originally intended, the story makes a lot more sense. Egghead’s actions and reactions become not only understandable, but reasonable.

I have the original scripts for The Ogg and I and How to Hatch a Dinosaur. Unfortunately, I do not for The Ogg Couple, the first episode in the proper order, but the last to be shown.

First of all, one must ask: Why weren’t the episodes shown in the order originally intended? Joel Eisner’s book says about The Ogg Couple:

This episode was originally part of the previous two-part Egghead/Olga story, but rather than air another three-parter, the producers split up the episodes.
This, of course, does not answer the question: Why?

The Londinium trilogy was the third season’s only other three-parter. The Egghead/Olga trilogy, though, was the fourth through sixth episodes to be filmed, while Batman, Robin and Batgirl wouldn’t travel to Londinium until the eleventh through thirteenth episodes.

Maybe the producers were leery of dragging a story out over three weeks. Remember, not only was this long before VCRs (even Betamaxes!) and DVRs, but most American TV episodes were self-contained. Season-long story arcs such as to we are now used, on shows such as Smallville and Lost, were rare, if not unknown.

Anyway, for the balance of this piece, I will go through The Ogg Couple and point out excerpts that prove this should have set up the entire trilogy, rather than being a stand-alone episode. In future installments, I will refer to the scripts to the second and third parts and compare them to what was broadcast.

The opening narration by William Dozier was obviously modified once it was decided to make The Ogg Couple a self-contained story. He refers to “ . . . the return of a dastardly duo and their deadly dragoons.”

The first scene, featuring a Boy Scout and a little old lady, would have made more sense introducing the trilogy:

“Let me help you across, ma’am.”

“Why, thank you, sonny.”

They are almost run over by the Cossacks and Olga (off-screen.) Remember, in the order as shown, they had already had a run-in with the Cossacks.

“I can’t believe my eyes, sonny. That looks like a band of Cossacks!”

The lady continues, “I do believe that’s Egghead, the notorious arch-criminal . . . but why is he riding that burro?”

The Scout asks, “What are those Cossacks doing in Gotham City?”

These are the same questions the audience would have been asking, if they hadn’t already seen The Ogg and I and How to Hatch a Dinosaur!

Next, at the Gotham City Museum, comes the scene that establishes Olga, the former dishwasher, as Queen of the Bessarovian Cossacks. Again, this makes a lot of sense at the very beginning of the trilogy, but makes no sense here:

“Is there! Silver Scimitar of Taras Bulbul! Never to be pulled out except by rightful heir to throne of Bessarovian Cossacks. By me! Queen Olga. Legitimate ruler of Bessarovian Cossacks!”

When Egghead finally shows up, Olga tells him (and us) why he has to ride a burro. “Only Bessarovian Cossacks are riding horses, darling. All others are having burros.”

Four Cossacks then bear witness as Olga pulls the Silver Scimitar out of the Egg of Ogg (with the aid of Egghead’s Egg of Ogg Acid) confirming Olga as the Bessarovian Cossacks' leader.

A new scene at Police Headquarters had to be filmed since the episode was shown out of order. Chief O’Hara declares, “I thought Egghead was behind bars and the Bessarovians had been sent back to . . . Bessarovia.”

Commissioner Gordon replies, “Bessarovia didn’t want the Bessarovians and Egghead’s out on a legal technicality.”

At Wayne Manor, writer Stanford Sherman and director Oscar Rudolph also set the stage for what’s to come. Again, think how much more effective this would have been in part one of a trilogy as opposed to being in this stand-alone episode.

Bruce, in response to a remark by Dick, says, “The Mongols are fierce warriors. Even today, you can find pockets of them scattered throughout Asia.”

The scene in the Commissioner’s office, after the main title and credits, was also re-shot. Batman asks, “There’s no doubt it was Egghead, Olga and the Cossacks?”

We then shift to a scene at Egghead and Olga’s hideout. Not to beat a dead horse (or burro), but imagine how much more sense this would have made in part one of a trilogy:

Egghead says, “Big plans, Olga, big plans. Ah, the Scimitar of Taras Bulbul, golden Egg of Ogg are only the beginning of a series of dastardly plans that will leave Gotham City begging for mercy.”

Egghead continues, “Our meeting was destiny . . . and after we’re married Olga–”

Olga interrupts. “Ah! Hold horses, Eggski. I told you before, no marriage without dowry.”

Eggski . . . er, I mean Egghead, replies, “Why do you think I’m planning all of these crimes for us, Olga?”

This whole scene is out of place, since we’ve previously seen Olga flirt with Batman. Put where it belongs, however, the dialogue explains much of the change in Egghead’s character from season two.

Next, the Commissioner in his office is talking to his daughter Barbara. His lines make a lot more sense if the Cossacks had just appeared in Gotham for the first time:

“Incredible as it sounds, there is a band of Bessarovian Cossacks loose in Gotham City.”

It appears the Commissioner’s lines were from the original script and probably shot some time before Barbara’s reply, which is obviously spliced into the scene. “You mean again? They’re back? That’s incredible!”

Later, outside the Gotham City National Bank, where Egghead, Olga and the Cossacks have recently stolen $ 1.6 million worth of frozen dehydrated caviar, Batman, upon learning Batgirl has gone after the gang on her own, says, “Batgirl is a match for any gang of ordinary hoodlums, but for a wild band of Bessarovian Cossacks, even her extraordinary abilities might not be enough.”

Again, this would have been much better if none of the Terrific Trio had yet faced the Cossacks in combat.

If there’s any doubt The Ogg Couple was supposed to be the first Olga episode, it is put to rest by this line spoken by the Cossack Queen to Batman when the Caped Crusader interrupts the Cossack Sabre Dance: “Very sad we meet at funeral.” (emphasis added)

Probably the worst thing about The Ogg Couple as broadcast is the ending. Egghead, Olga and the Cossacks appear to escape as the Dynamic Duo rescue Batgirl from the Caviar Dunk. Only in the epilogue do we learn what was supposed to have happened.

Chief O’Hara explains, “It’s lucky you had me surround that building once more, Batman. Olga and Egghead ran right into the paddy wagon again, only this time they didn’t want to.” This is even more ridiculous when one realizes near the end of the previous scene, the off-screen Cossacks were shouting, “Vlozhky! Vlozhky! Vlozhky! Hie! Hie! Vlozhky!” and there was the sound of hoofbeats!

A postscript to this continuity mess: at the end of the epilogue, Barbara comes in saying she just saw Catwoman and the Joker in the Kitty Car. Unfortunately, the next episode begins with the Joker in Warden Crichton’s office, not having yet been released from the penitentiary!

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