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GATEWAY to Truth

 TRUTHSEERLife is best viewed with a silent mind
Mass Belief's
The Individual
Stopping The World
Experience The Experience
Purpose And Integrity

The truth is not some mystical never attainable concept. The beliefs we live as reality sometimes are. The simple truth of many things is that we do not know what the truth is. We shouldn't be afraid of not knowing the truth about something. We should not hide behind our beliefs out of fear of what we don't know to be true. Belief systems are designed to lull us into a false sense of security and put us at risk of being under the control of those who would use our beliefs for their own purposes. The simple truth that we do not know something and admit it to ourselves sets us free from being entangled in the beliefs of our own and of the manufacture of others.

Created on ... December 2, 2000, edited Dec. 9

Notes From the EditorTruthseer
Reality and truth are not necessarily the same thing.

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