This band began as Fresh Corpse, with Jason "Enton" Johnson doing the vocals.
For some drunken reason I was called in to replace Jason and we changed our name to Twitching Slab. I think this was around 1992.
Even though we seemed to be drunk all the time, this was one of the most productive bands I've been in. We played with national acts and bands from all over the country and established a pretty strong following in the six years we'd sporadically pop in and out of the scene.
Besides my induction into the band, we withstood losing a guitarist to marriage and replacing our bass player, but original guitarist Brian Albert's gut-wrenching sound and drummer Mike Cavanaugh's flailing of the skins were an ever present punch in the face throughout the transition. 
Around 1996 Brian was almost killed in a motorcycle accident, and with no intention of ever replacing him Twitching Slab seemed to be no more. But almost two years later, after exstensive surgeries and therapy Brian was ready to give it another go. With his wrist bone fused together and metal rods placed in various parts of his body, once again he donned his guitar.  
Unfortunately the band was doomed to fail. We all just drank too much, not to mention by this time Mike and I were also playing in a couple of other bands, and our focus was spread pretty thin, so we eventually just parted ways.
Twitching Slab is still remembered as one of the "Death Metal" pioneers of Maine and I'm proud to have been a part of the movement.
Morbid Wake
Reassembled Embryo