SECTION I--The Rules

Here are a few quick rules to remember before joining...

1. Original Wrestlers Only (No WWF, WCW, or ECW wrestlers allowed)

2. 2 Wrestlers Allowed per Handler (Maximum is 2 Singles OR 1 Singles & 1 Tag Team)

3. Profanity should be kept down--anything that isn't said on TV shouldn't be said here. It really sounds dumb and immature to say the four letter words every sentence.

4. If you are quitting or are leaving and won't be able to RP, just e-mail me and let me know

5. No using or attacking other wrestlers in RPs

6. Don't complain about losing a match or not having your plans totally used. Usually, I try to get everyone's strats and plans involved but sometimes it isn't possible. If you have a legitamate complaint, e-mail me or post in the OOC Board about it.

7. Don't beg for wins or anything else cuz it makes you look bad and if you are begging, it is likely you aren't gonna win

8. No racial slurs will be tolerated!

9. The Boards
-The Roleplay Board is strictly for interviews/RPs/Challenges...nothing else. Roleplays should be more than one line challenges...No Ads or OOC will be allowed on this board...put them in the OOC Board.
-OOC Board is for anything Out Of Character, from complaints to suggestions.
-Rumor Board is for posting News and Rumors to heat feuds or whatever else

10. Have fun! That is what this is all about!

SECTION II--The Important Stuff

I ran a fed about a year and a half ago and it lasted for maybe two months because I ran it by myself. Anyways, I have more experience and free time this time and will be able to mantain this fed for a much longer time. Here are some main points I have on the EWA:

--My main goal in the EWA is to make it a fun experience for everyone by creating an atmosphere similar to real professional wrestling. There are many ways to do that.

#1-Matches-I feel a fed is made, more or less, by it's wrestlers and the quality of the cards. I do my best to make the cards entertaining, action packed, and fun to read. 99.9% out of the time, guys will only wrestle in one match per night. It gives everyone else a chance to show their stuff. Taking into account the RPs and angles, I decide who wins the matches. Realize that there will be no Goldberg pushes....everyone will lose at one point or another. Work with your opponent via e-mail, ICQ, and/or AOL IM to decide certain things about your match. Together, you can decide who wins and loses, how the match will end, and certain key parts of the match.

Don't let your ego get in the way...job for guys who you think deserve a push. That's how it works in the big leagues so do what's best for the fed. I don't like a show where matches are constantly draws or DQs so the refs are going to be very soft and most of the time, a pinfall or submission will be how a match ends. Long matches aren't always the best ones. We don't want to put people to sleep. And DO NOT always ask for gimmick matches because I don't want to see a bunch of nonsense between two guys who don't even have a feud going.

#2-Angles- This is the key to getting your character noticed. If you fight people week after week with no other purpose than to just have a match, it's a waste of time. You have to come up with a storyline or feud that will gain some interest. I like alot of in-ring interviews, color commenary, and angles being played out in that way. Maybe something going on backstage or something like that. The show will usually start off with an in-ring interview similar to what you see on TV. Another thing to remember about angles is you should work together so the story will flow better. If you need help with an angle, ask me or any of your fellow wrestlers. The less you are involved in storylines, the less likely you'll win titles.

#3-Strategies-These are what you send me before every match you have.A strat includes:
Your Matchplan--includes your entrance to the ring, your attitude towards the fans and ref, the way you want to fight your match in paragraph form (basically write the match how you want to see it), the ending of the match.
Your Other Plans--includes interviews, backstage interviews or angles, color commentary, attacks and interference...etc.
Other Notes--Anything else you want me to know. Don't send a strat telling me that you or another person deserves to win or don't plead and beg for a win. People who don't send strats without having a good reason will have a very short match written and in most cases will be crushed. Strats are a big part of your success in the EWA and have a huge impact on winners and losers. THESE ARE DUE AT MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY NIGHT EST...NO LATER!

#4-Roleplaying-Roleplays are interviews that you do during the week leading up to your match. You do these on the Roleplay Board. You must RP at least 3 Times a week in order to continue in the EWA. Failure to do so may result in Suspension or Firing. Just to note, Roleplaying is not judged by how long or how many RPs are done, but by quality. They must be long enough to get the point across but not so long that it puts everybody to sleep. Make them entertaining and interesting. Just because you RP more than another person does not mean you are RPing better and therefore you may not win. Good spelling, grammar, and setting is a key to a good RP. Don't use tons of colors in your rps either...your paragraph is best read when it's in white font.

#5-Titles-These are what it's all about. Here is a bit of info about them...
World Title-This is the big one that everybody must be defended at every PPV and at least once every 30 days...only those ranked in the Top 5 can contend for this belt

IC Title-The second highest belt, it has a lot of importance...must be defended at PPV and at least once every 30 days...those ranked in the Top 7 can contend for this belt

Asylum Title-All NO DQ matches and mostly gimmick matches of some sort...must be defended at least once every 30 days...Top 15 can contend

Tag Team Titles-For tag teams only or two singles who pair up to form a team. These belts may be eliminated if the tag division doesn't build up...must be defended at least once every 30 days...Top 5 can contend

This is a fed for the wrestlers so ALL comments, suggestions, ideas, and anything else will be taken into consideration and in mostly all cases, will be used. I want everyone to be happy! I'm a pretty easygoing person so I'm not gonna fire anybody unless I have no other choice. I am fun most of the time but I am also strict when it comes to certain extreme things.