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This is an official tribute to Mr. H-G...those who had him, know all of these things to be true!!! If you are some strange kid who had/has some strange teacher that does some strange stuff...contact me so I can post it!


You Know Your Science Teacher Is Weird When...

You start having dreams full of fluffy clouds

You realize the tables are becoming dirty from his shoe size foot prints

He cleans the footprints and students

You see him regularly treat his bookshelf like a dog

He thinks the virtual pikachus are possessed

He spells every word wrong and says how much "hooked on phonics" has helped him

He can't wait to come home to his puppy when he doesn't have one

His true hero is Bill Nye

He often says she stuff like-"me play football, hmm... me go pee and think, fish I thought it was foosh, I don't know that one but I know fish!"

He likes to "pretend" to wax the floor, then wonder if he is actually pretending, or if he is actually using an invisible floor waxer.

He thinks air mail for papers is when you throw them in the air

The only class you have not said a word in in your whole life is seventh-grade science

He has a strange connection with skunks

He likes to reanact war movies in the shower

You find out you've learned more than ever before!

Other Teachers:

"Whenever we watch a movie or something, he'll replay it over and over... especially the explosions. When we were watching a movie on Mt. St. Helens, he replayed the initial blast of it around 15 times in a row. (play... BOOM... rewind... play... BOOM... rewind.... play.... BOOM... rewind.... play... BOOMD... rewind.... play....BOOM... rewind... play.... BOOM.... rewind... slo-mo... BOO-OO-OO-OOM... rewind)"
