Basic Information
Williams Infant & Child Care was founded in Greensboro, North Carolina by Donna Williams. We are located at 1206 Bothwell Street, Greensboro, North Carolina.  Our certified licensed facility is based on the North Carolina Child Care Commission Five Star Rated License. Our staff members are certified in First Aide and CPR. Our facility is open to any child who may benefit from the program. The age range for the children in our care must be six (6) weeks to 12 years old. We operate on three shifts, Monday through Friday. Our curriculum includes a schedule day playtimes, mealtimes, and naptimes. We provide quality childcare at reasonable rates.

We participate in the USDA Food Program. Breakfast, a hot lunch and nutritious snack are provided each day by our facility. Meal changes are possible with written medical documentation and menus are posted each week. All bottle given to babies and toddlers must be fully prepared by the parents and put in individual labeled bottles with the child's name and date on them. Disposable diapers should be furnished by the parents. We asks that a supply be kept at the facility.

When coming to the facility we ask that you bring your child in and sign the arrival/departure log book. You also must contact the facility if someone other than those listed on the authorized pick up list is to pick up your child.

If you need any more information you can contact us at the center or come by we will be glad to answer any concern you may have.