Volume Bench PressClick to buy your vitamins at WHOLESALE COST!

Date:  11/29/03        Time:    10:00 am

It has been a very long time since I've taken 225 and done it as many times as I possibly can within an hour.  I think the last time I did this was back in 98 when I weighed in at about 186...this time, I weigh about 175 which is a considerable difference.  Even so, I beat my old record by ONE rep!!!  That may not sound like a great feat but believe me it was quite considerable. I do this to not only test my strength but my physical and mental endurance.  Along with testing my will to achieve a new record at a lighter body weight.  The grip I use on the bar is very wide because I'm only 5' 7" and I place either my index or middle finger on the power lines.  This way more of my pec muscles will be pulled into the exercise.

Flat Barbell Bench Press:

Note:  All rest periods ranged from 90 seconds to 120 seconds because of a three person rotation.

Set  #1:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    20 - about 2 reps shy of complete failure
Set  #2:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    15 - "                                                    "
Set  #3:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    13 - about 1 rep shy of complete failure
Set  #4:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    10 - "                                                    "
Set  #5:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    10 - "                                                    "
Set  #6:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    08 - "                                                    "
Set  #7:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    08 - "                                                    "

Set  #8:        Weight:  225 lbs        Reps:    07 - failed on the 8th rep, hit the wall, not good, muscles starting to feel the brunt of the 225 pounds on rep 82 which I failed to push up...rest for the next set

Set  #9:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    07 - almost failure but was still able to push the last rep pretty strong
Set #10:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    06 - "                                                                                            "
Set #11:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    05 - "                                                                                            "
Set #12:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    05 - "                                                                                            "
Set #13:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    04 - pretty much complete failure on last rep, really had to dig deep to find it
Set #14:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    03 - "                                                                                                        "
Set #15:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    03 - "                                                                                                        "
Set #16:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    02 - "                                                                                                        "

Total Number of Reps:    116 within one hour
Total Weight moved:       26,100 lbs

Note:  Last 4 sets the rest periods where taken down to about 60 to 80 seconds each because of running short on time.  Kind of shocked the muscles and my mental thinking on having the ability to beat my old record of 115 reps within a one hour time period.  Plus, if I remember right, it took me 17 or 18 sets to achieve the 115 reps the first time I gave this a go.  What I find most disturbing is that two months ago I was quite a bit stronger along with having a higher level of endurance so in my mind I will have to get myself back to that level and do this again just to see if I can achieve something even greater.  I would love to see 130 plus reps with 225 within an hour.

Set #1:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    30        Rest:    60 seconds
Set #2:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    20        Rest:    60 seconds
Set #3:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    20        Rest:    Work Out Complete

Total Number of Reps:    70
Total Weight moved:        12,250  lbs

Total Weight Combined:    38,350

Week 2

Date:  12/06/03        Time:    10:00 am

Umm, I have to admit that my chest had NOT fully recoverd from the previous chest routine done 7 days earlier!!!  Now it wasn't really all that bad but the first set really said to me, "Hello jackass you kicked the hell out of us last time and we're not quite ready to go at it again!!!"  After that first set though my muscles felt a lot better and were warmed up and ready to go to see if I could duplicate what I had done the previous work out.  Needless to say even before I started I really wasn't to sure I could attain the same level of training so I figured I would try and different rep scheme.  In the end it didn't benefit me one way or the other to have made the change.  Damn it.  Even with that said I'm still very please with the out come of this training session because I still don't look upon it as a failure even though I fell a few reps short of what I wanted to hit.  You can never look upon a training session as a failure if you gave all that you had for that session!!!  Dig deep and push through it and you will come out on top no matter what!!!

Flat Barbell Bench Press:

Note:  All rest periods ranged from 90 seconds to 120 seconds because of a three person rotation.

Set  #1:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    15 - muscles not feeling quite right on this first set, a bit of a shock
Set  #2:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    15 - 90-120 seconds
Set  #3:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    13 - about 1 rep shy of complete failure
Set  #4:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    10 - "                                                    "
Set  #5:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    09 - "                                                    "
Set  #6:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    08 - "                                                    "
Set  #7:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    08 - "                                                    "78

Note:  On the seventh set I came to the realization that I did NOT have the endurance this time around as I did the first time I took this training on.  So, what I have gathered from doing this trianing two times in a row really doesn't make much sense nor does it work to well.  Although, it will definitely challenge one to dig very deep and not be defeated when the odds are rollen against your success.

Set  #9:         Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    06 - almost failure which truly messed with my head, not very happy
Set #10:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    06 - before laying down I told myself no less than 6 reps damn it
Set #11:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    05 - holy crap, I'm in trouble!!! :)
Set #12:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    04 - ok, just push yourself as hard as possible, almost not able to lock out
Set #13:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    03 - pretty much complete failure on last rep, really had to dig deep to find it
Set #14:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    02 - "                                                                                                        "
Set #15:        Weight:    225 lbs        Reps:    02 - yeah, 2 freaken little reps and in my head I know fresh I can always break
20 reps...very humbling unless you look at what transpired prior to being so whooped

So, one set shy of the number or reps done previously and 10 reps shy!!!  Shit, but in reality, which I sometimes having a hard time living in is NOT all that bad...it was a really good performance when it comes right down to it.  By the last 2 sets I knew I didn't have much energy/strength left to continue so I was kind of happy about the hour coming to a close. :)

Total Number of Reps:    106 within one hour - 10 reps fewer than previously completed
Total Weight moved:        23,850 lbs - 2250 fewer lbs pushed

Set #1:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    40        Rest:    60 seconds
Set #2:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    35        Rest:    60 seconds
Set #3:        Weight:    Body        Reps:    25        Rest:    Work Out Complete

Total Number of Reps:    100 - 30 repss better than last time
Total Weight moved:        17,500  lbs - 5250 more lbs better than last time

Total Weight Combined:    41,350

Note:  Even though I didn't hit as many reps on the bench press I was able to move more weight (higher volume) over the first work out.  Knowing this makes me feel much better and just shows that even though I didn't have the ability to hit the same amount of reps or better on the bench I was able to push myself quite a bit harder on the dips to end with a higher volume of weight moved.  Next chest routine will be a completely different type of training.