Back Blaster!!! :)
by Tony Wilder of T-Wild Training
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What I like to do sometimes is set a certain time frame up at the beginning of a training session to see just how many reps I can do of a certain exercise.  Today was back day so I decided to see just how many shoulder width (palms facing towards each other) pull ups I could do in 15 minutes.  Oh yeah, this will test your ability along with your mental game as well.  It can be any number of exercises depending on what you are training.  So if I had been doing legs perhaps I would have chose to do leg press with a certain amount of weight for as many reps I could do within a 10 minute period.  Note:  When I shorten the time period down to 10 minutes or less I always seem to push myself harder because I always have a number in mind to attain.  Like today, before I even started I had a goal of 75 plus reps within a 15 minute time frame.  I beat that mark by 5 so I basically set my goal to low which I wasn't to happy with my ability to know just what my body was capable of doing.  Higher rep goal equals more effort!  But don't set yourself up to fail because that will get you no the same breath don't be to easy on yourself either. :)  Usually I set goals that are very high and extremely difficult to attain within a training session but it makes for an interesting outcome.  Always come out knowing that I can do better next time with proper prep time.

Shoulder Width Pull Ups:  (palms facing in)

Set  #1:        Weight:    body (176)        Reps:    20        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    10        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    08        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #4:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    07        Rest:    75 seconds
Set  #5:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    07        Rest:    75 seconds
Set  #6:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    06        Rest:    80 seconds
Set  #7:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    06        Rest:    80 seconds
Set  #8:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    06        Rest:    90 seconds
Set  #9:        Weight:    "              "         Reps:    05        Rest:    90 seconds
Set #10:       Weight:    "              "         Reps:    05        Rest:    90 seconds   pull ups complete

Total Reps:    80

Total Weight moved:    14,080 lbs

Total Rest Time:    11 minutes and 33 seconds (approximately) + 90 seconds at the very end

Total Work Load Time:    4 minutes and 27 seconds (approximately)

Note:  As you can see the work load time seems to be a lot but take into account that on those last 5 sets I would hang for about 5 to 8 seconds to pull out another rep.  It's funny how the muscles just don't want to respond after getting pounded into hamburger!!!  The last three sets were very difficult because of there just not being much left to call upon to pull myself up, hence the pause at the bottom of the movement to squeeze one more rep.

Single Arm Lat Pull Down w/D-ring:  (Drop Sets)

Set:  #1:        Weight:    75 lbs to 65 lbs to 55 lbs        Reps:    8 to 6 to 6    Switch Arms        Rest:    60 seconds
Set:  #2:        "                                                   "        "                          "    "                 "        Rest:    60 seconds

Total Reps:    40

Total Weight moved:   2640 lbs

Total Rest Time:    2 minutes  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    1 minute and 10 seconds (approximately)

Bulldog Row w/D-ring:    from high pulley to mid pulley to low pulley

Set  #1:        Weight:    110 lbs        Reps:    12        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    120 lbs        Reps:    10        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    120 lbs        Reps:    08        Rest:    45 seconds

Total Reps:    30

Total Weight moved:  3490  lbs

Total Rest Time:    2 minutes and 45 seconds  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    1 minute (approximately)

Single Arm Seated Row w/D-ring:

Set  #1:        Weight:    75 lbs        Reps:    10    Switch Arms        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    75 lbs        Reps:    10    Switch Arms        Rest:    45 seconds

Total Reps:    20

Total Weight moved:   1500 lbs

Total Rest Time:    1 minute and 30 seconds  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    45 seconds (approximately)

Seated Row w/machine:  (wide grip)

Set  #1:        Weight:    105 lbs        Reps:    20        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    105 lbs        Reps:    16        Rest:    45 seconds

Total Reps:    36

Total Weight moved:   3780 lbs

Total Rest Time:    1 minute and 45 seconds  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    1 minute and 10 seconds (approximately)

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down:

Set  #1:        Weight:    100 lbs        Reps:    14        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    100 lbs        Reps:    12        Rest:    Work Out Complete!!!

Total Reps:    26

Total Weight moved:   2600 lbs

Total Rest Time:    2 minutes  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    50 seconds (approximately)

Complete Totals:

Total Sets:    21

Total Reps:    232

Total Weight moved:   28,090 lbs

Total Rest Time:    21 minutes and 23 seconds  (approximately)

Total Work Load Time:    8 minutes and 42 seconds (approximately)

Total Work Out Time:   30 minutes and 5 seconds  (approximately)

Note:  All times listed are simply approximate and should not be considered accurate.  I figure my work load time is off by about 90 seconds and my rest time may be off by as much as 3 minutes.  But it's close enough for me since I never right anything down while I'm in the gym.  But writing things down as you train is a good habit to get into since you don't have to focus on remembering what you did and then write it down afterward.  But I've been doing this so long now that it's not really that hard for me to remember what I did with exception to exact time of rest and work.