Arms and Shoulders #2
by Tony Wilder of T-Wild Training
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I know I have said this in several other sample training programs that I have here on my site but I CAN NOT stress this enough on just how import it is and how much it has a MAJOR role in your training.  So here it is again:

LISTEN TO YOUR BODY...get in tune with what it is telling you and you will achieve an EVEN GREATER level of fitness!!!  ALWAYS REMEMBER...NO TRAINING PROGRAM IS WRITTEN IN STONE!!!!!

Note:  You will notice some of these exercises will be the same as ones already covered within another sample routine only with a slightly different description and/or style of utilization.  As you will come to realize NO exercise has ONE single way of utilizing it...incorporating many different ways of training, angles, styles, focus is required to build a great physique while achieving a greater level of fitness.  You will find five sample routines that incorporate all the exercises at the very end of this information.

DO NOT get discouraged if you don't get rapid results...realize that this is for LIFE not just what comes tomorrow or next week.  I mean who really cares if you look great and feel great for a short period of time and then look and feel like shit for the rest of your life because you either injured yourself for trying to go to far to soon.  It makes far more sense to be nice and steady and make gains throughout your life.

Training the arms and shoulders together is a GREAT way to get a training session in when you don't feel like or have the energy to train the larger muscles/groups of muscles.  Or if you just want to really hit the arms and shoulders harder than you normally would if you had incorporated their training into your back program and/or chest.  I love to train them together because of the incredible pump I get in my arms and shoulders...UNBELIEVABLE isolation!!!  It truly is a GREAT way to focus in on these muscles without them being pre fatigued from other training.  Plus, training in this manner will give you a chance to really test the strength of your arms and shoulders.  I ALMOST always train my arms first before I hit my shoulders UNLESS I want to hit some heavy dumbbell presses which is NOT very often since I personally DO NOT believe that doing heavy overhead presses are all that necessary.  I'm NOT saying don't do them but I have found it unnecessary to incorporate heavy presses within my routines to have POWERFUL shoulders.  As for the arms I will train my triceps three times as hard as I will train my biceps...simply because it takes much GREATER effort to hit all three heads.  You HAVE to use extremely heavy weight to engage all three heads into the movement.  Biceps on the other hand are relatively easy to train and DO NOT require large amounts of stimulation to get them to respond.  Personally, I love to train my triceps more than my biceps for the simple fact that they are what really makes your upper arms look bigger.  Plus, when you have powerful triceps this will lead to much GREATER strength on the bench press which most guys do all they can to have a really strong bench but neglect the training that it takes to get that powerful press.

As you read through the descriptions of the training exercises you may find yourself getting confused and/or just completely lost because I can start babbling on and not making much sense or simply putting in to many different types of training without fully explaining myself. :)  If this happens please feel free to email me at and I will do my best to help you out.

Triceps Exercises

Skull Crusher:  I personally like using dumbbells for this movement since I can really ISOLATE the muscles I want to hit.  Plus, you can bring the bell down beside your head or simply turn the arm so that you lower the bell across your face so that it comes down on the other side.  I will hold the arm that is doing the work by the lower part of the biceps (near the elbow) with my free hand...that way I have greater stabilization and can really SQUEEZE the triceps at the top of the movement.  You can also do the same movement utilizing both arms at the same time which will require GREATER concentration on your part to do the work necessary to stimulate the triceps.  The bar of choice, for me anyway, is the curl bar which allows your wrists to be in a comfortable position when doing the movement.  I personally don't like using a straight bar because of the pressure that it places upon the wrists.  When I use the curl bar I will normally do what I call a "Triset for the triceps."  What I mean by that is that I will do a superset of three different angles with the bar.  I will normally start with lowering the bar to my forehead, 10 to 15 reps, then I will move my arms towards the top of my head so that my upper arm is at about a 50 degree angle to the floor and lock my elbows in place so that when I do the reps there will be continuous tension placed upon the muscles throughout the movement (10 to 15 reps)...meaning I WILL NOT lower the weight far enough to take the tension off nor will I lock the arms out at the top.  Last set I will bring the bar up directly over my chest so that I will simply do a close grip bench press (10 to 15 reps).  The amount of reps is dependent upon what I had previously done for my triceps and how much weight I have chosen to utilize.  A simple way to change this up is to change which style you do first or you could use a decline or an incline bench.  Sometimes I will do a "finishing" set utilizing the style of lowering the bar directly to your forehead while keeping the elbows locked in position.  Usually, but totally dependent on energy/strength remaining, I will lower the weight in a VERY controlled manner shooting for at least a 5 second count on each rep.

Triceps Press w/cable:  There are many different handles that you can utilize to do this movement.  I personally prefer to use the double end rope so that I can flare my hands out to my sides when I press the cable down.  Then when my triceps no longer have the ability to do that I will simply hold my hands together and press straight down to burn them out.  I will normally stand up as straight as possible without leaning into the cable so that other muscles will NOT be incorporated into the movement or I should say, so that it will cut down on the aid of other muscles while doing the movement.  However, just like MOST other exercises there is NO one way of doing this movement so DO NOT think that standing straight up is the ONLY way to do this movement nor the best way to do this movement.  A great way to modify this movement is to simply stand far enough away from the cable pulley so that you can lean forward with your lower back arched, chest pushed out and knees slightly bent so that you can either push the cable straight down OR position your elbows so that you can press it down towards your quads sort of like a modified kick back with the cable.  Something else you might try is placing a bench or something you can sit on facing the cable so that you can press the cable down so that your forearms will come down and press against the inside of your thighs.  You will be amazed of just how much more focused this movement will become when sitting down.  The previous mentioned styles can all be utilized as SINGLE arm movements.  For other simple changes just grab a different attachment and start pressing.  Plus, if you really think about it you can see MANY different angles to use the cables and not only for the triceps.  When it comes to the gym your imagination should be limitless!!!

Reverse Grip Bench Press:  Let me first say that if you have ANY shoulder, elbow or especially wrist problems DO NOT attempt this movement.  Also, you MUST have a training partner and/or spotter there before even thinking about doing this movement.  The simple reason for this is that if that bar slips from within your grasp you will basically cut your head off since the bar will undoubtedly come down right on your neck!  This is a dangerous movement and should NEVER be taken lightly!!!  Now, with that said, lets get to the reason why I LOVE doing this movement and incorporate it into my training as often as possible.  Remember, it takes a great deal of weight to stimulate all three heads of the triceps and this is by far, in my opinion, the BEST way to do so.  I utilize a variety of widths when I do this movement, any where from shoulder width out to about five inches wider than my shoulders on both sides of my body.  You will need a spotter to help you lift the bar off the rack and get it into position for pressing.  Once here, lower the bar down so that it will come down just below your pecs, although, for some of us it will naturally come down to a lower point on the body than that.  So, unless it does not feel right DO NOT fight it.  When you first do this movement you will notice how much it will stress your front delt and perhaps even your lats and as these muscles get stronger the greater amount of weight you will be able to load up.  The best side affect of doing this movement is the amount of power you will obtain when you take on your next heavy chest training day.  Well, perhaps not the next time you do heavy training on the chest but within three months of utilizing this movement you should have significant strength gains.  I can NOT stress enough how important it is to be as SAFE as possible when adding this into your training.  If you have NEVER tried this before please go light for your first work out and slowly work into heavier weights.  You might be surprised how fast your body responds to this movement as long as you keep it within safe perimeters.  The absolute safest way to incorporate this movement into your routine is to find a bench press machine.  Simply raise the seat up high enough to where your your forearm will be horizontal to the floor when you are gripping the handles with a reverse grip.  I prefer a seated bench press machine rather than one that you lay down in, just my preference.  Plus, one kick ass advantage the machine has over a free barbell press is that you can utilize a single arm press so that you can put a greater amount of focus in on the muscles to be worked.  Believe me this will hit your muscles EXTREMELY hard especially your front if you need to work your front delt harder because it is lagging this movement should definitely be added to your training program.

Triceps Kick Back:  You may utilize dumbbells or a cable for this movement.  Each will give you a completely different feel and each has there place within your training programs.  I will get into the same stance that I use when doing bent over dumbbell row.  I make sure that I have a very solid stance as NOT to use any swing when kicking the dumbbell or cable handle back.  I arch my lower back and push my chest out and hold my shoulders horizontal to the floor...lock your elbow in place so that you do NOT lower it nor raise it while doing the movement. SSSQQQUUUEEEEEEEEZZZZE the triceps at the top of the movement and then return to the start position in a slow controlled manner.  Try using a slight twisting of the hand at the top of the movement to get a bit of a different feel/affect on the muscles.  A great way to change this exercise is to utilize an incline bench that you can set up at about a 40 degree angle and place it so that the back is facing the cable you will be using.  Now, sit down on the bench so that when you lean forward your chest will be on the pad and place the arm to be worked in a position so that it will act like a pendulum, hold the elbow in place, DO NOT allow it to move forward nor backward...again squeeze the triceps as you press the cable back.

Bench Dips w/added weight:  Get something to place your feet up on such as another bench or perhaps you could utilize the smith machine bar so that you can lower or raise the bar to place you feet on to change the degree of difficulty.  Sit down on the bench and place your hands at your sides with your knuckles forward, or you could place your feet up on the bench and hold the smith machine bar so that you can reverse your grip for a quick and easy change.  As far as depth goes, well, go down as far as you feel comfortable with and lower your body as straight up and down as possible.  Now, to add weight to your body simply place a medicine ball or a plate to your lap.  Do not lock your knees, keep them slightly bent when placing the weight in your lap.  Or, you could have your training partner place his/her hands on your shoulders and push straight down as you do your reps.  This is a great way to do a drop set since all that has to happen to take the extra weight away is to have your partner remove their hands from your shoulders.

Overhead Triceps Extension:  You can use a cable, the curl bar, a straight bar and/or a dumbbell.  I like to use a bench that has a back on it, usually used for military press with dumbbells and place it facing away from a cable that I have connected a curl bar attachment too.  To modify how your triceps will be affected simply change the distance between the cable and bench so that there will be a greater angle applied to the extension.  You may also chose to utilize the double end rope on this movement as well.  It definitely helps to have a training partner there with you so that they can hand and take the cable away from you.  You will apply the same form to the cable extension as you would with the free weights; hold the elbows in tight to your head, keep them locked in place and raise and lower the weight in a very controlled manner.  I find I get a much better burn from using the cable since I can really load the weight on and not worry about knocking myself out if I drop the free weight.  To modify this movement even further simply use an adjustable incline bench or decline bench.  What's nice about using an adjustable bench is that you can vary the angle on each set if you want just to give your triceps a different feel each set.

Lying Triceps Extension w/partner:  This is where you get to have fun and basically torture your training partner but remember who ever goes second will suffer the first one's wrath!!!  Even so this is by far one of my favorite movements for the triceps.  I almost always use it as an ending movement for them since it will pull every last bit of energy out of them as I'm sure you have found out already or will soon learn.  You seriously have to get yourself RIGHT mentally to do this because it takes every bit of your focus, drive, determination that you have left in you to make yourself complete two reps!  What you need here is the rope that is normally used for cable press and then lay down on the floor on your stomach and put your elbows tight to your head and out in front of you.  Once here grip the rope as you would as if doing a cable press and throw it back so that the metal part is on your back to where your partner can grasp it.  Now with all your might extend your arms while your partner is the meanest he/she can possibly be to you by only allowing you to move in slow motion!  Go to full extension and once there try to push farther!  After that your partner should begin to pull the rope back towards him/her and you HAVE to give it all you have to stop him from doing your best to keep your elbows on the floor as your partner pulls straight back and not up so that you are not lifted upwards. Your partner could place his/her free hand on your back to keep you down on the floor if needed but usually you can stay down without assistance.  Do all you can to do two reps here and if you can try a third!  Only do two sets and that, when done with all your might will be all that you can do.  Now wasn't that fun?!!

Biceps Exercises:

Cross Body Dumbbell Curl:  Form is key to making this exercise give you everything it can.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the knees slightly bent while holding a dumbbell in each hand.  Now, start with either arm...bring the arm to be worked forward so that it can be curled across your body so that the side of the bell will come up and touch the opposite pec muscle.  Turn the hand so that your palm is facing across the body but you don't have to limit this movement to that form with the hand, you may also do cross body hammer curls as well.  Once you have the arm forward and the hand in the position that you want to start with, curl the bell across the body until you have raised it three quarters of the way that your hand can travel... once there squeeze the biceps and return to the start position in a controlled manner, repeat.  To make this even more advanced and really target the 'peak' of the biceps simply use a 'broken wrist' form which means keep the knuckles pointed down towards the floor throughout the movement.  I will also have a very slight forward lean when I do this movement so that my arm will kind of hang in front of my body.  You can superset the two styles by either starting with the palms facing across the body and switching to hammer curls or vice versa.  You will find that when you incorporate the 'broken wrist' style you may have to lower the weight or simply deal with not being able to do as many reps. FORM plays a MAJOR role in this movement even more so than most other exercises!

Dumbbell Concentration Curl:  Are you ready to be humbled?  Because this movement can certainly accomplish that quite easily.  Heavy weight is NOT necessary in doing this movement...technique, focus, and determination ARE necessary, oh and a training partner to hold your elbow in place.  When doing this movement simply lean over and place your free hand on a bench for support, arch your lower back, keep your shoulders square to the floor, push the chest out and let the arm to be worked hang straight down towards the floor while gripping the dumbbell.  Your partner places his/her hand on the back side of your elbow or triceps...firmly as to NOT allow that arm to pull in towards the body and/or swing in any direction.  Once all this is in place you may begin the movement and really focus on the biceps.  I almost never curl it all the way to the top because that just releases the tension on the muscles being I squeeze it up to where it comes just short of this happening, squeeze and return it to the starting position.  Just like with the cross body curl you may utilize a hammer curl or a 'broken wrist' style movement...all are extremely affective when it comes to training the biceps.  It is possible to do this movement without a partner to hold your elbow...simply move the leg that is on the same side being worked forward and place your elbow firmly on the outside of your knee and do your best to hold it there while doing the exercise.  Granted this is less effective but when you don't have a choice it will work.  A simple way to change this up is to curl the dumbbell across the body and bring it up to the opposite pec.

Barbell Curl:  This is a pretty straight forward exercise, meaning it's easy to understand and incorporate it into a routine.  The easiest way to do curls with the barbell is to simply grip the bar at just a bit wider than your shoulders which is the most comfortable along with being your strongest spot to hold the bar and curl.  Simple changes are to hold the hands closer together on the bar or wider.  I suggest trying them all that way you will develop a well rounded and full biceps.  Always remember though, it's not that biceps that makes the upper arms look large it's the triceps. :)  A little trick I like to do with the barbell, or the curl bar, is to simply lean forward, knees slightly bent, feet a bit wider than shoulders with the lower back arched and chest out...full stretch of the biceps and curl the bar up to the forehead.  Notice that it will be a continuous tension rep once it begins until you return it back to the starting position.  A great way to really hammer the biceps is to use the fixed weight bars or load a barbell up with, say 5 lb plates and do a strip/drop set...meaning pump out some reps and have a partner pull the plates for you or simply have three fixed weight bars ready to pick up after each successive set.  A great way to make this even more intense and I don't mean that this technique has to be done with the drop set (it can be though) but try squeezing the bar as hard as you can and use a very slow controlled rep such as a 3-1-3 tempo on each rep.  I personally don't like to curl the bar all the way up so that the tension is taken off the biceps so I will stop just a little past three quarters of the way up and then begin to lower it back down...perhaps after a good squeeze at the top.

Single Arm Cable Curl:  This exercise can easily be modified to hit and challenge the biceps in many different ways.  One of my favorite ways to do this movement is to hook a D ring to a low cable pulley, turn away from the cable and put yourself into the position that you would utilize for a dumbbell kick back with one major difference...instead of doing a kick back you will be doing a single arm biceps curl.  Lock the elbow of the arm that is going to be worked in position and DO NOT allow it to move up down or side to side.  Again, only curl it to the point just before losing the tension on the biceps and return to the start position.  You can also turn the body so that you can curl the D ring w/cable across the body.  You may also do hammer curls in the same positions when you utilized a single ended rope or turn the double end rope into a single end.  Now for the most recognized curl movement with a D ring on the cable.  Connect the D ring to the top pulley or raise the pulley up to the top notch and pull the cable with you to the other side of the machine, meaning towards the other cable set up, let the biceps stretch and lock your elbow into position.  Keep the shoulder back and do your best to keep the body in this position throughout the movement...notice how the elbow wants to swing forward as you do the movement, DO YOUR BEST to not allow this from happening. If you need to get your training partner to hold our elbow in place so that you will be able to get the most out of the movement.  Once you reach the mid point of the movement squeeze that biceps and the return to the start, repeat.  A simple way to change this up is to simply turn and face the cable that is being utilized and again lock yourself into position and begin the exercise.  Something else you can try is to get an adjustable incline bench and put it at one side of the cable cross over machine facing the distant cable.  Put the back of the bench at a 45 or 50 degree angle, or simply play with the angles to see what you like best and grab the D ring in one hand, sit down, lean back and let the cable stretch the biceps, lock your body in position and begin to do curls.

Lying Cable Curl:  This is by far one of the best ways to isolate the biceps and really tear them up!  Utilizing a flat bench or  slightly inclined bench to give a different feel place it so that your head will end up underneath where the cable is.  Once there lay down on the bench and have your partner lower the cable to you.  You will want to have the arms fully extended at the start unless this position bothers your elbows then have them slightly bent.  Curl the cable down to your forehead or just above your head.  Really focus on getting a good squeeze at the bottom of the movement and return to the top.  Do two to three sets here and anywhere from 6 to 16 reps each set.  But we will get into the reps schemes further in the sample routines.

Shoulder Exercises:

Side Lateral:  This exercise can be done with either dumbbells or with cables.  The key here and with all shoulder movements is STRICT form!  NO SWINGING, or at least not until the end when you have no choice but to cheat a little bit which is quite all right...just use common sense when utilizing the 'cheat' method.  If you find that you can not do the movements without cheating then you may consider sitting down on the end of a flat bench or a bench used for over head press.  When using dumbbells you want to start with the arms at your sides and the palms facing your body.  To add a small variation you may want to try starting with the hands just infront of the body or slightly behind.   My personal preference when doing this movement is to keep a slight bend in my elbows throughout the movement but it is all right to let your arms go straight at the bottom if you so desire but I recommend keeping the slight bend.  As you bring the weight up keep your chest out, shoulders back, and elbows slightly bent.  The hands should begin to turn so that when you reach the top of the movement which is about forehead level, or slightly higher/lower for a slight change in the feel of the movement,  the thumbs should be down and the pinkies up as if you are pouring water from a kettle.  Keep your head up so that you don't strain the muscles in the back of your neck.  A good way to make this movement even more intense, as if that was necessary, simply do not allow the hands to come all the way back down to your sides...meaning keep the tension on the shoulders the entire time you do the movement.  If you are to utilize the cables for this movement think about keeping the same techniques but just realize that you will get a completely different feel than what you did with the dumbbells.  Also, you will be pulling the cables across infront of your body and I suggest doing one side at a time so that you get better isolation of the muscles and not end up fighting the cables as you bring them across.  You can easily do this one arm at a time if you so desire...which can give you greater ability to focus on what you want to accomplish with your shoulder work out.  Rep scheme will be shown below in a sample work out.

Front Raise w/dumbbells:  As with the side lateral you may also use dumbbells or cables for this movement which will give you greater versatility.   There are three different types of hand positions with this exercise.  First one is where the palm is facing in towards the body from start to finish.  Second the palm is facing down from start to finish and the third is where the palm is facing up, start to finish.  That is considered ONE REP.  I have found that doing these three different types of movements not only strengthens the delts but the rotator cup muscles as well.  Also, you can flare the arms out to the sides a bit wider than the shoulders or you can bring the dumbbell up and across the body if doing one arm at a time.  To do these three different styles with the cable you will need to use the rope and simply pull it through so that one end is in your hand and the other is near the cable attachment.  Plus, you will be facing away from the cable and off to one side or the other depending on which shoulder you are working.  In this exercise you will ALWAYS want to keep a slight bend in the elbow which is different than the side lateral where it is all right to straighten the arm at the bottom.  But like I've said so many times in the past and other sample routines, this is just my opinion and is not written in stone so basically use your best judgment.  The top of the movement should be about forehead level or just above and to get a different feel you can come across the body or raise it more to the outside of the shoulder instead of almost directly infront.  Another thing, along with the side lateral you may want to try stopping the weight from going all the way back down to the starting position so that there is continuous tension on the muscles being worked.  Granted, incorporating that technique will dramatically cut down on your reps so you may want to lower the weight used.  This to can be done one arm at a time for a greater level of focus!

Upright Row w/dumbbells:  Standing straight and the arms pushed slightly forward bring the dumbbells up to shoulder or just below shoulder level.  Keep the elbows wide and higher than your hands and as you approach the top of the movement squeeze your traps.  You may also try using a cable for the same exercise but I prefer dumbbells.  A simple way to modify this movement is to turn the hands half way to where the knuckles would face one another.  What I mean is if you made your knuckles face each other turn them half way down so that they are at a 45 degree angle from the floor.  This will put more emphasis on your traps which you will feel right away.  Again, drive the elbows up so that they will stay higher than the hands.  As with the two prior shoulder exercises this one can be done one arm at a time BUT you will notice that the ability to focus on the muscles worked will perhaps be even greater than the other exercises!  Give it a shot and find out for just might like it!

Overhead Press w/dumbbells:  You may either sit or stand for this movement but realize that sitting will take greater effort than what standing does.  Also, if you have any back problems please take a seat and just use less weight.  What you want to AVOID on this movement is using a heavy weight, it's just not necessary.  Since the shoulders are small muscles it is quite easy to injure them when doing heavy overhead presses.  I will very rarely do any heavy pressing unless I want to test my strength which only happens about two to three times a year if even that.  What I like to do here is single overhead press where the palm is facing in towards the side of my face at the beginning and as I push the weight up I will turn my palm so that it is facing the mirror at the top and then reverse it on the way back down.  You may either grip the bench you are sitting on with the free hand or just let it sit on your lap so that the body has to use more of your 'core' muscles to balance yourself.  Another way of doing overhead press is with both arms and holding the dumbbells so that the palms are facing the mirror the whole time...on this I usually have it added in on a superset with the side laterals, front raise and upright row and more often than not I will use the same weight as I did for my front raise and just go right into them after completing the front raise.  Something you can try here is pushing and lowering the weights at different times, kind of like pistons.  Plus, if you know what Arnold presses are then you can try doing these within the superset or on their own with heavier dumbbells.  Take note though, you wont need to go very heavy if you do decide to hit the Arnold press.

Front C w/dumbbells:  One of the smallest yet most intense movements you will ever incorporate into your shoulder routine!  What you want to do here is hold some very light weights directly out in front of you just below chest level and with the elbows slightly bent. (arms are almost straight out in front of you)  Start with the palms up and do a small half circle away and up until the dumbbells touch again at the top (forehead level of just above), all the while turning the palms so that they will be facing down when you reach the top.  You will want to be about forehead level at this point and then simply reverse the movement.  To change this up you can keep the palms facing up or down throughout the entire exercise or you can utilize all three styles in one set changing after every 5th rep.  This is a finishing exercise...although, I've been known to throw it in at the beginning and the midpoint of a shoulder routine just for variation.

Note:  The exercises listed above for shoulders are all part of a superset routine and are rarely done on their own unless I'm trying to focus on a certain area of the shoulder where a muscle might be lacking in size and/or strength.  So be prepared to seriously light your shoulders on fire!  Do your best to NOT allow yourself to rest to much between each set but if you have to be safe and utilize enough rest to keep the shoulders in the safety zone.

Sample Routine  #1

Reverse Grip Bench Press w/Barbell:  (free weight)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15-18        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15-18        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    10-12        Rest:    80 seconds
Set  #4:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    08-10        Rest:    70 seconds

Triceps Kick Back w/dumbbell:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    45 seconds

Weighted Bench Dips:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    70 seconds

Cross Body Biceps Curl w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    10-14        Rest:    45 seconds
Broken Wrist:
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure         Rest:    60 seconds

Heavy Barbell Curls:  (grip just wider than shoulder width)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #4:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    60 seconds

Single Arm Cable Curl:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    10-12        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure         Rest:    60 seconds

Over Head Press w/dumbbells:  (Arnold Press, moderate weight)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15-18        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15-18        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure         Rest:    90 seconds

Front Raise w/dumbbells:  (remember on this exercise that the three turns of the palm equals one rep)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    10 seconds
Upright Row w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    20      Rest:    10 seconds
Side Lateral w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    18-22        Rest:    10 seconds
Front C w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    120 seconds

Side Lateral w/dumbbells:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16-20        Rest:    10 seconds
Upright Row w/dumbbells:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15-20      Rest:    10 seconds
Front Raise w/dumbbells:  (remember on this exercise that the three turns of the palm equals one rep)
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    4-6        Rest:    10 seconds
Front C w/dumbbells:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    120 seconds

Note:  On the second run through of these exercises for the shoulders you may need to take a break as you are doing one of the exercise or extend the 10 second rest at the end to 20 or even 30 seconds.  Pay attention to your form as you are going through the movements and do your best to keep it clean...if you have to sit down that way you will have the assistance of the bench to keep you from swinging the weight up.  Plus, sometimes if I have the energy I will throw one of these group of exercises in at the end of say a chest or back routine just to polish off my shoulders.

Sample Routine  #2

Barbell Curl:  (Heavy)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    08-10        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    08-10        Rest:    60 seconds
Drop Set:  (load the bar with 5's)
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    5, 5, 5, failure    Rest:    80 seconds

Cross Body Curls w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15        Rest:    40 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15        Rest:    40 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure         Rest:    60 seconds

Lying Cable Curls:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    14-16        Rest:    50 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:     failure        Rest:    50 seconds

Triceps Press w/cable:  (use double ended rope and flair the hands out at the bottom)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    20        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    20        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    70 seconds

Over Head Triceps Extensions w/cable:  (use curl bar attachment)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15    Rest:    30 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15    Rest:    45 seconds

Single Arm Skull Crusher w/dumbbell:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    18        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    80 seconds

Side Lateral:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    22        Rest:    10 seconds
Front Raise:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:     6         Rest:    10 seconds
Over Head Press:  (utilize light weight)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    10 seconds
Upright Row:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    10 seconds
Front C:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    120 seconds   Repeat in the same order or switch it up if you prefer.

Note:  On the second run through of these exercises for the shoulders you may need to take a break as you are doing one of the exercise or extend the 10 second rest at the end to 20 or even 30 seconds.  Pay attention to your form as you are going through the movements and do your best to keep it clean...if you have to sit down that way you will have the assistance of the bench to keep you from swinging the weight up.

Sample Routine  #3      Supersetting Tri's and Bi's

Skull Crushers w/curl bar:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    18        Rest:    0 seconds
Curls w/same bar and weight:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12        Rest:    60 seconds      Repeat two to three more times.

Triceps Kick Back w/dumbbell:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    0 seconds
Dumbbell Concentration Curl:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12        Rest:    60 seconds      Repeat two to three more times.

Reverse Grip Bench Press:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure    Rest:   10 seconds
Cross Body Curls w/dumbbell:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure    Rest:    60 seconds      Repeat only one time.

Lying Triceps Extension w/partner:
Set  #1:        Weight:    tension given by partner    Reps:    failure    Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    tension given by partner    Reps:    failure - usually about two reps  :)

Lying Cable Curls:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    70 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure        Rest:    90 seconds

Side Lateral:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    22        Rest:    10 seconds
Front Raise:  (remember on this exercise that the three turns of the palm equals one rep)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:     6         Rest:    10 seconds
Over Head Press:  (utilize light weight)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    10 seconds
Upright Row:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    10 seconds
Front C:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    120 seconds   Repeat in the same order or switch it up if you prefer.

Sample Routine  #4

Single Arm Cable Curl:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    40 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    40 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    40 seconds

Barbell Curl:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    10        Rest:    50 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    10        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    70 seconds

Cross Body Curl:  (utilize broken wrist form)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    55 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    45 seconds

Over Head Triceps Extension:  (heavy)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    50 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    50 seconds

Weighted Bench Dips:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    35        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    30+      Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    60 seconds

Triceps Kick Back w/cable:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    50 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    60 seconds

Reverse Grip Bench Press w/machine:  (heavy)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    08        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    06        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    04        Rest:    90 seconds

Front Raise w/dumbbells:  (remember on this exercise that the three turns of the palm equals one rep)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    8        Rest:    10 seconds
Upright Row w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    20      Rest:    10 seconds
Front C w/dumbbells:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16      Rest:    10 seconds
Side Lateral w/dumbbells:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16      Rest:    10 seconds
Over Head Press:  (utilize light weight)
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    10 seconds    Repeat in the same order or switch it up if you prefer.

Sample Routine  #5     Shoulders Only

Single Arm Over Head Press w/dumbbell:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    45 seconds
Set  #3:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    70 seconds

Arnold Press:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15        Rest:    60 seconds
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    12-15        Rest:    70 seconds

Side Lateral:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    40 seconds
Front Raise:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    5          Rest:    40 seconds
Side Lateral:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    16        Rest:    40 seconds
Front Raise:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    5          Rest:    40 seconds
Upright Row:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    30 seconds
Front C:
Set  #1:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    30 seconds
Upright Row:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    15        Rest:    30 seconds
Front C:
Set  #2:        Weight:    ??        Reps:    failure   Rest:    Work Out Complete!!!