Hey everyone! This is my website where I post my Buffy fanfic! I hope you enjoy! I only made one fanfic so here it is!!!!!!!

Autheur: Amanda!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Medieval Buffy
Pairing: B/S C/L(iam) A(lexander)/W
(Maybe more will come!) Summary: AU. Everybody’s human and in high school and it’s 1716. Almost everybody is there, BtVs and AtS. Some evil will come up and the gang will have to fight it to save the world.
Feedback:Yeah!111!!! I’d love review!!! Make it go0od plz!

Part 1 – Welcome to School

The young Manfield rang the bell. He was such an upsucker. He always tried to seduce the teachers into giving his good grades. He smiled when he saw the seniors walk into the old, mosldy building.

“Why hello, thy pretty Elizabeth. How are you doing on this glistering morning” he asked the petite blond who was carrieing way too much leather-bound books.

“I told you, it’s ‘Buffy’. Do you want me to spell that you young sir” she asked mockingly, raising her eyebrow He had always annoyd her. There was nothing more she wanted that tearing him out limb by limb. But, she thought, glancing over to the right, there might be something else her heart desired.

There in the upper corner of the square stood a ruggedly tall handsomeman. His name was Liam O’Connor and she desired him like nothing else. Though she sighed when a tall brunette locked her arm into his. Cordelia Chase. She always got the good anes.

Sighingly Buffy walked into the school building ignoring the rambling boy behind her. It was the first day of school. The first day of school in her life. The Mayor of this town wanted all underaged youngsters to be educated properly, so they had remodified the old hospital

The building just screamed. Evil.

If it had not been for her mother she was still working in the ale bar, with some of the other people in school Amy, Willow and the strange William. He was leaning against a wall babbling, all kinds of, strange words. Although they were English he always thought for hours to find the most difficult possible.

He looked up at her with his piercing blue eyes, but shyly looked back onto his inky paper. Maybe she was going to have a talk with him some day even though he was different he seemend kind of nice.

She walked into a dark classroom that had obviously been a sick room. She could still reek dead. There were no tables yet so she settled herself next to her friend Willow Rosenberg she was the child of a Dutch couple, who had come to the England by boat. They were mightly poor and she always walked around in the same old dress. Cordelia had made fun of it before she had walked into the classroom. Buffy saw that she was hiding her tears.

She turned her head to see a young black-haired boy walk into the room. He had spilled some of his ale last night all over his shirt It looked like he hadn’t noticed because he appeared with it in the room Hey grinned while he sillyly waved her way. His name van Alexander, she only knew him at the bar. He was a unhappily person.

The teacher walked into the room and greeted them while walking to the desk in the middle of the room and packed out his stuff. He said hid name was Rupert Giles and he was a teacher of the ancient history.

Buffy disliked history. It was all bad and it wouldn’t get better.

The class was dull and instead in listning to their new found teacher the constant giggling of Cordelia Chase drummed through her head.


That evening shwe made her way down the dark streets of her hometown, she was on het way to her mothers pub, she had to do nightshifts now because her mom was suffering from chronic tiredness or something, so she and Willow were there alone that evening.

She wanted to walk into yet another ally but stopted apruptly when she heard someone screaming from out the corner. It was Liam and Cordelia and even though Buffy did not have any intention of being sexually active she watched from a distance without them knowing.

“Oh my goddess, that is very inappropriate” escaped from her lips when she had a clear view of the couple,, “how does she do that with her leg”

She quickly took another road and walked into the bar where everything was getting a little too jolly. She hasted herself to the bar where willow squekingly asked to do something about all the men.

Buffy jumped onto the bar and offered a round from the house. They were quieter in an instant and Buffy jumped down and started handing out pints.

“Jeepers, you look not sluttyfuck enough, wil!” Buffy quickly pulled her corset tighter and put on way more make-up and made her hair poofier. “See that Will do.”

More and more of the now classmates walked into the bar and settled theirselfs in groups around the pub. The boys were glancing over at the two girls who were serving the beer and flirted with them.

“Do you not think Alexander is a wise pick” willow said smiling.

“I don’t know. He is rather clumsy and not that bright in the head.” Buffy replied.

“And yet he is so cute and handsome. i think i would like too smooch him”

Next Liam and Cordelia walked into the room. They sat next to eaachother and Buffy had to walk over to take an order. “Hey what would you like to order.” She asked.

“Ale wouldn’t be bad,” Liam said smirking, “and a piece of you sugarbunns.”

Cordelia slapped him on the cheek, he rubbed the stinging spot, it was not the first time he was into other chicks and Cordelia knew that if she wanted to keep him she had to be tough about it.

“We’ll just go with the ale then.” Cordelia said with a faking smile.

Buffy walked to the tab, got the beer and handed it over to her classmates. “Later,” she said and headed back to willow who was staring at Alexander.

“Can not keep your vision of him?” buffy asked.

“Sigh. No I can’t. Just look at him” Buffy rolled her eyes “I am going to ask him if he wants some more of this” she said holding up a pint of beer.

Buffy watched from a distance how it would continue