Out of Context Situations

NOTE: Like my funny quotes list, this is a list of true, out-of-context funny situations that I or someone I know was in.

-Okay, I was out swimming with my friends David and Jeremy, and we were showering up after we finished. Needless to say, rather thatn just shower off, we found ways to keep it more interesting. There was a stool in my shower that was all wet. Then, we had a brilliant idea: Cover the chair in foamy soap and then sit down. Just as we finished setting it up, two suspicious lifeguards walked in, who probably suspected that we were "making trouble". One started saying, "What are you guys do in here-" plop . I sat down in the foam covered chair. It was everywhere . Of course, the lifeguard kicked me out, still covered in soap.

-The same day as last sit., David, Jeremy and I were at the snack bar eating hot pretzels. They had there little 'cheese' while I had my delicious mustard. I had three mustard packets left over, and I decided to see if I could squeeze them open. I squeezed. Sure enough, the packet exploded, and mustard got everywhere, especially all over Jeremy. When I tried it again, Jeremy backed up four tables. I squeezed again. Guess where the mustard landed? That's right. The four-table-away Jeremy. He still doesn't like mustard.

-Not much to say in this one, execpt for that my hockey team was playing an exhibition summer game, and one of our players had the puck behind our net. He came about one or two inches from scoring on our own net. We lost, seven to one.