Tunbridge Wells
Flash Mob
The first Tunbridge Wells Flash Mob took place on Saturday 23rd August 2003.

Participants were asked to collect their instructions from a contact (Boris) sitting outside the Duke of York pub, on the Pantiles.

The contact was recognisable by the fact that he was reading 'Our Man in Havanh' - Graham Greene.

About 30 people collected instructions which asked them to congregate by the bandstand at 2.30pm.

At 2.35pm Blind Lemon Curd shouted the command 'Shark'. At which the happy flashmobbers hit the dirt and swam for their lives.

After 10 strokes everyone got up and went about their business.

We would like to thank everyone that took part - without you we would have looked very foolish! If you have any thoughts and contributions to make to the review of the day please send them to us.

You can read reviews of the Tunbridge Wells flashmob here...

We've decided to go out on a high so that was the first and last Tunbridge Wells Flash Mob we organise. If anyone else organises one we would love to take part and will be happy to give any advice needed, email us at the usual address.

As a footnote, we would like to apologise to the journalists who we sent fake instructions to - for those not in the know they were asked to meet their contact in the Litten Tree, they would be reading 'The Sun' and wearing a baseball cap.

So long and thanks for all the fish...

Tunbridge Wells Flash Mob
(picture courtsey of Taj of the Tunbridge Wells Juggling Club)
Flash Mobs are gatherings of large groups people who converge in public places for brief periods of time. All members of the Flash Mob take part in an action simultaneously. It is a non-political action and not linked to any organisation. All events will be peaceful, respectful and brief.
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