The Bonello Family
Hi Everyone! You are in the Bonello Family website. Here you may access information regarding family special events, announcements or just gather other tidbits.

My inspiration for the site derived from the many conversations I have had with our extended family. I noticed every conversation would end in the same manner, "we need to keep in touch more". Unfortunately these good intentions always take a back seat due to our busy lives. Or maybe all of you are taking and getting together and leaving me out!

Nevertheless, I want in! I think this might be a good way to at least keep current on each other lives. I hope that this site will grow into somethig everyone will value.

The vision I have for this site is more or less like a community information board (announcements, special events, family stories etc.). When you have something posted send it to me and I'll put it on.

This is something new for me. In fact I realy don't know what the heck I'm doing! If anyone has any pointers please send them my way!
My Favorite Links:
My Info:
Name: Walter Borg