This is Elmo's lair, fiiinally updated. If you like the background, It was from the SQ1 intro. Look! I've got...

Post Cards direct from SQ3!

Bye Bye Pics Death pics from SQ3 for all you sickos.

Look at these SQ Magic:The GatheringCards. (Total: 167!)

These cards are completely separate from those made by Captain Ascii and don't require custom rules aside from one mechanic: 'There can be only one Roger in play' (Like Legend, but the controller of the previous incarnation chooses which gets buried) Other than that, pre-existing mechanics from Alpha to present coexist in this ever growing expansion.


I'd like ideas for the page if you've got any.

Roger Wilco and related materials are © Sierra On-Line.
Space Quest is a registered trademark of the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.