
This is a picture of some infusions I made. I thought it showed the colors of the different herbs beautifully.
I use herbs in my everyday life for healthier living, but my speciality is dealing with herbs during pregnancy. Here is a list of herbs that are safe and very good for pregnancy:

Red Raspberry (when combined with Red Clover aids in fertility) is considered safe throughout the entire pregnancy. It tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, increases the flow of milk, and aids in restoring the body's system after childbirth.

Anise, Peppermint, Spearmint, Fennel teas are all good for morning sickness.

Nettle is rich in calcium, iron and many other vitamins and minerals. It may aid in cases of hemorrhaging during delivery due to its Vitamin K content.

Black Haw and False Unicorn is good for prevention of chronic miscarriages.

Wild Yam is good for morning sickness and preventing threatened miscarriages.

Blessed Thistle stimulates blood flow to the mammary glands and it may also reduce the chance of hemorrhaging during and after childbirth.

Cramp Bark is considered one of the best herbal remedies for preventing miscarriages.

Lady's Mantle is used for toning the uterus, it is helpful in reducing the chance of miscarriage and eases morning sickness.

Oat straw is high in calcium and magnesium and eases nervous stress and tention.

Strawberry leaf may be used for preventing miscarriages it may also be used for relief of fevers and diarrhea.


Pennyroyal can cause abortions, at all times during pregnancy.

Wild Carrot Seed, Rue, Buckwheat, Elder, Ginger root, Angelica root, Lemon Balm, Bethroot, Black and Blue Cohosh, Lovage, Marijuana, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Mugwort, Osha, Peruvian Bark, Rosemary (in flower), Sweet Flag

The following list of herbs are considered teratogens, that is a substance that can cause birth defects. They are just as important a consideration as alcohol, caffeine, smoking or any other substance that is harmful to our little ones.

Osha, Flax seed, Senna, Aloes, Castro Oil, Turkey Rhubarb, Buckthorn, Horsetail, Juniper Berries, Agave, Ginseng, Licorice, Hopps, Sage

This is by no means a complete or inclusive list. There are many excellent books published on the subject. One is Herbal Healing for Women by Rosemary Gladstar and my personal favorite is Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year By Susun S. Weed. Both books are very well written and a great source of information. Both books cover simple problems, such as morning sickness, leg cramps, heartburn, and many other common conditions as well as more serious issues like miscarriages, pre-eclampsia and hemorrhaging.


As by request of quite a few people, I am adding a section for herbs that promote fertility!

Herbs that are used to encourage a pregnancy are characterized by their ability to, 1) nourish and tonify the uterus 2) nourish the entire body, 3) relax the nervous system, 4) establish and balance normal functioning of the hormonal system, and 5) balance sexual desire.

Red Clover flowers is the single most useful herb for establishing fertility. Its high vitamin content is especially useful for the uterus; its high protein content aids the entire body; its profuse and exceedingly absorbable calcium and magnesium relax the nervous system and promote fertility; its high mineral content, including virtually every trace mineral needed by the glands, helps restore and balance hormonal functions.

Nettle leaves Tones and in general nourishes the uterus with a special ability to strengthen the kidneys and adrenals. Excellent for the hormonal system. As with Red Clover, drink one or more cups of the infusion daily for several months.

Red Raspberry leaves Contains a uterine tonic and a large amount of calcium. It is most effective when combined with Red Clover. Prepare the infusion by steeping one half ounce Red Clover blossoms and one half ounce Rasberry leaves in a quart of water for four hours. It can be taken daily and continued for months. Another way to increase the fertility promoting ability of rasberry is to add 5-15 drops of either Dong Quai root tincture or False Unicorn root tincture to each cup of Rasberry leaf infusion.

Dong Quai root best results are obtained when Dong Quai prepartions are taken during the days between ovulation and menstruation and discontinued from the beginning of the menstral flow to ovulation. Use Dong Quai only in combination with other herbs.

False Unicorn root is a powerful uterine toner, always noted as "the" herb for fertility. Dosage should be 5-15 drops of tincture per day. The infusion is taken in sips, up to half a cup a day.

Ovulation is controlled by the light. Leave a light on in you bedroom for three nights midway through your menstral cycle; all other nights keep the room in total darkness. You will ovulate when the light is on. Have intercourse during the three "light" nights if you want to concieve. This method is called Lunaception, it combines well with herbs wich promoter fertility! Blessings and Good Luck!!