A Doula is a non-medical labor support person whose job is to "mother the mother". The doula is there during labor and long afterwards, offering comfort, reassurance, and education. She supplements, but does not replace, the woman's partner. She is a loving witness to the process of birth.


Doulas help guide a woman through labor with the belief that birth is a normal life process, not a medical emergency. A doula is there before labor, giving information and education as the pregnant mother needs it. Studies show that the presence of a doula can result in shorter labors with fewer technical interventions and a greater feeling of satisfaction on the mother's part. Doulas interpret and negotiate the mother's needs with the needs of the providers who are delvering the baby. Doulas visit the home after the birth, helping establish and sustain breastfeeding, doing light housekeeping and child care for older siblings, and in general, seeing what needs to be done and doing it.

Medical studies have shown that having a doula present provides the following benefits:

50% reduction in cesarean rate
60% reduction in epidural requests
40% reduction in the use of pitocin
25% shorter labor
30% reduction in use of analgesia
40% reduction in use of forceps
Mothering the Mother, Klaus, Kennell, & Klaus, 1993

A doula emotionally holds the mother.
A doula should enhance the fathers role not take over it.

FEAR, not pain will stop labor!

We are but part of a whole.

~I would like to share some of my thoughts on birthing~

~Birth is a normal physiological event~ It does not require tools, tubes, chemicals, drugs, machines or doctors. In fact, any of these can confuse the woman's body and make it more difficult for her body to do what it instinctively and intuitively knows how to do.

~Birth is not an illness~ We have a generation of birthing women who are attached to the theory that gadgets equal saftey. Using every gadget ever developed will NOT insure a totally safe enviroment. In fact, in many instances, the "gadgets" cause problems.

~Birth is Sacred~ It is a significant life event whose effects are long lasting. It must be an experience that honors an respects women, their babies and the families into which the baby is born.

~Love helps babies to be born~ The emotional, physical, phychological and sexual enviroment affects a woman's ability to open up and give birth.

Giving birth connects us to all the women who have come before us. You are from a long line of women who have given birth - women whose bodies knew just how to birth their babies.

Medications confuse the body and make it difficult to give birth. Your body knew how to get pregnant, and it knows how to grow a baby. You can also be sure that your body knows how to give birth. Good nutrition is extremely important!!

When you have worked really, really hard for something, such as an unmedicated birth or natural birth, and have accomplished it, it becomes all the more special to you. When a woman has an epidural the last thing she remembers is how painful the labor and birth were. Unconsciously she can associate this with her baby. Next time, when giving birth, she will ask for the epidural even earlier to avoid the pain. However~ when a woman gives birth without drugs, the last thing she remembers as she holds her healthy and alert baby in her arms is how strong and proud and wonderful and empowered she feels.

Believe in the saftey of birth. Birth is not dangerous!

Hang out with women who have a healthy attitude about birth.

Take classes given by independent instructors.

Remember that any intervention may confuse the body, and adversely affect the mother, the baby and the birth.

Eat well and focus on prevention.

Blessings to All~Healthy Birthing :)