TVHS GAPP 2000 Web Site

Here is where you will find all the latest information and downloads for our GAPP 2000 trip to Germany.  Starting on July 9, 2000, you will be able to follow our exchange daily in word and in pictures until August 5, 2000.

It is now Saturday afternoon in Gemany and we are all getting ready to come home.  The Germans are also busily packing in anticipation of their adventure with us in California. The last download is now complete.

Heather's video greeting has now been uploaded.

Last nights good-bye evening was so much fun.  The parents had lots of games for us to play and it was a special evening.  Many of us realized that this month in Germany has been a very special time for us and it is now coming to an end in a very few hours. 
But with the end comes a beginning:  the beginning  the second half of GAPP 2000.  The Germans have spoiled us and now it is our turn to spoil them.  We want to show them the month of their lives!

On to America!

This is our official logo for GAPP 2000.

Here you may see:

Daily Images of GAPP 2000

A video greeting from your student

Latest German weather report

Our Itinerary

July Calendar of Events

August Calendar of Events

To contact me for a non-emergency:


Herr Bradshaw
