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CHLF basic facts


Past logos

TFO logo

Older TFO logo.

Channel Info: CHLF 39
Cable (West Montreal) N/A
Cable (Central and East Montreal) N/A
Cable (Digital Montreal) 94
Look TV 208
Bell ExpressVu 137
Star Choice 763
Cable (Burlington) N/A
Cable (Plattsburgh) N/A

TFO is TVOntario’s French language service. TVOntario used to be bilingual, dedicating it Sundays to French programming until January 1, 1987 when TFO signed on the air. The Hawkesbury transmitter went on the air on March 1, 1989 and is now the flagship station of the network. Considering how close Hawkesbury is to Montreal, you’d think this station would be part of our basic cable line up. TFO was recently added to the illico digital line-up since Sept. 30th, 2004, but as far as regular cable is concerned, an agreement on a suitable fee was never reached.

TFO was formerly known as "La Chaîne"

TV Hat

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