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FREE Air Time for Political Broadcasts
Broadcaster's have for too long enjoyed the right to use OUR airwaves and
to send their wired signal over OUR streets without compensating us adequately.
Now is the opportunity for them to contribute dramatically to
Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform.

As has taken place in European countries for 50 years now,
it is time for TV and Radio Networks to allocate
FREE access Timeslots for Party Political Broadcasts.

When this is implemented we can:-


Not just repeal the raises in Hardmoney but reduce the limit drastically, (perhaps Campaigns paid for by the Government and by volunteers at tax time).


Ban Softmoney altogether

End The Campaign Money Chase

Attack the Root of the Problem:
The Campaign Money That Makes Lobbyists, and the Contributions They Solicit from Their Clients, so invaluable

This year, a scandal spurred Connecticut to approve public financing for its state executive and legislative races. The
scandal should be the catalyst for enactment of publicly-funded campaigns for Members of Congress, and a revamped and strengthened public financing program for presidential campaigns.

How to Implement it
The number of broadcasts offered to parties will be related to ‘proven electoral support’. For example: A candidate for the State Assembly would have to collect 750 contributions of $5 each to qualify.
Party Political Broadcasts for Primary elections will be allocated TV time of y/c minutes for every y contributions of $5 each
. For example the rule might be c=100 and a candidate collecting 800 contributions of $5 would earn 8 minutes of air time.

If a candidate wins a party's primary election, he'd receive additional air time, based on the whole party's $5 contributions, to run in the general election campaign.

These rules would be applied at the National, State, Regional, County and City level. 

 In addition, as States are divided into "broadcast regions" if any political candidate qualifies within that "broadcast region" then corresponding regional broadcast time must be allocated.
Also time would be allocated to minority parties "in relation to other key politically broadcast events” such as the State of the Union, Addresses to the Nation,  Party Conferences etc...
In these (including Gubernatorial and Mayoral) Elections the qualifying criteria would be that candidates must demonstrate electoral support in prior $5 contributions

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Last modified: Sunday August 22, 2004.