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Gigi Lai
Latest additions: 18-Feb-09

Earlier, Gigi Lai and wealthy businessman Ma Ting Keoug held their wedding in Australia. Last night, they held the wedding banquet at a hotel, having 10 tables and she invited her Hong Kong close friends to the banquet. Although, the banquet wasn't anything big, but she invested nearly HKD$100,000 for it to happen, considerably luxurous. Mr. Ma also took out HKD$80,000 and even passed out HKD$1000 red envelopes to the 80+ Reporters that were at the scene.

As for newly wed Mrs. Ma, Gigi Lai hopes that her banquet could be kept low-key. She arrived at the hotel early in the morning to avoid the media from following her. Gigi's father arrived at the hotel at 11am, when he saw reporters taking pictures, he immediately used his hand to cover his face. At 6pm, a male and female pair were helping Reporters register outside of the hotel. Mr. Ma's good friend Mr. Chan passed out HKD$1000 red envelopes to all the Reporters that were present. He expressed that he is especially thanking everyone for coming on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Ma. But, last night it was only Mr. and Mrs. Ma having dinner with their family, there was not any other guest that appeared. Hope that the Media understands that it is only a family dinner, and to let them have their dinner happily as a family. Mr. Chan expressed that Gigi said that she is very happy.

Added 18-Feb-09
Gigi Lai

Added 18-Feb-09
Aimee Chan

Added 18-Feb-09
Yoyo Mung

Added 18-Feb-09
Suki Chui

Added 03-Jan-09
Ada Choi

Added 03-Jan-09
Yoyo Chen

Added 03-Jan-09
Rain Lee

Added 03-Jan-09
Nicola Cheung

Added 15-Oct-08
Theresa Fu

Added 15-Oct-08
Claire Yiu

Added 15-Oct-08
Nancy Wu

Added 15-Oct-08
Miki Yeung


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