The legend of Tuskiage Samurai, is a tale of adventure and destiny. The story revolves around the lead charecter Akari Seiunno, which is translated from Japanese as Light of the Galaxy. He infact, is the title charecter, Tuskiage Samurai (Moonlight Warrior), who is on a personal journey for self-discovery, and a destiny that as yet been fulfilled. Look forward to the calling forth of various charecters. Their names alone reveal a small portion of their role. Imagine, Nemesis Star, Tuskiage Shadou (Moonlight Shadow), Seiun Chigo (Galaxy Child), Tenshi Akarino(Angel of Light) and many many more who are yet to be revealed. They explain a complex story that centers around The Parrallel World, a interdemensional kingdom, that symbolizes the warriors and knights who have yet to take their place in their own personal destiny...

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