Sailor Moonİ and all related charecters are copyright material to their respected owners, specifically Naoko Takcuechi, and the production companies of CWi and Pioneer.

Tuskiage Samuraiİ, Akari Seiunnoİ, Tuskiage Shadouİ, Seiun Chigoİ, Nemesis Starİ, Tenshi Akarinoİ, Daughters of Destinyİ, Tidal Waveİ, Gaiaİ, Star Gazerİ, Deshio Seiunnoİ, Tenchikaibyaku Seiunnoİ, Insei Seiunnoİ, the Tuskiage Samurai website, Melodic Essenceİ, Parrallel Worldİ, the Melodic Essenceİ website, images, animation, storylines, profiles, any and all information is copoyrighted material by its original author, illustrator, animator and webmaster, Justin K. McDade.

Seeraa Animaliaİ, the Island of Faunalinaİ, Faunusİ, Seeraa Arachneİ, are copyrighted material of J. Kephart.

Anyone who uses any material from this site, including images, animation, story ideas, profile imformation will be prosecuted by law by federal court under the charge of copyright infringement, and any other applicable offenses. Refusal to comply with copyright rules will result in legal action.

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