Tutorial 7 – Cascade Style Sheets Notes


·        A pixel is the smallest display element on your computer.

·        To display a font in small caps, use the style font-variant:small-caps.

·        To display the first line of your paragraphs in uppercase, you could create the following style definition: P:first-line text-transform: uppercase.

·        When a pointer passes over a hyperlink, the link changes appearance to indicate that the text is a link; this is called a rollover effect.

·        Body color:teal, body color:#008080, and body color:rgb(0,128,128) are all examples of formats that can be used to set a body text color.

·        Setting the text-align value to justify stretches the text, extending it from the left to the right margin.

·        CSS considers “bold” to be an aspect of the font’s weight.

·        A comma is used to separate one font name from another.

·        Use a monospace font name for a typewriter-style font.

·        Sans-serif is an example of a generic font.

·        Arial is an example of a specific font.

·        The font-family attribute allows you to choose a font face for use in a Web page.

·        Body color:blue style definition sets all font color to blue.

·        An embedded style has precedence over an external style sheet.

·        You can link a Web page to a style sheet by adding a <link> tag to the head section of your html file.

·        Most style sheets have the extension .css.

·        The collection of attributes and values in a selector is referred to as the declaration of the selector.

·        When you make a style declaration, the attributes and values within the curly brackets indicates the styles applied to all the occurrences of that element.

·        The syntax of an embedded style declaration is: <style type=”style sheet language”>style declarations</style>.

·        Text/css is a style language available for use with CSS.

·        To create an embedded style, you insert a <style> tag within the head section of your html file.

·        Multiple attributes can be used as long as you separate each one by a semicolon.

·        An inline style declaration must be enclosed within double quotation marks.

·        To create an inline style, you add the style property to the html tag.

·        To control the style for the entire Web site, you would use a linked style sheet.

·        If you need to modify all instances of a particular element in a Web page, you’d use an embedded style.

·        If you need to format just a single section in your Web page, you would use an inline style.

·        When you create a linked style, the result is a text file containing the style declarations.

·        When you create an embedded style, you apply the style to the entire html file.

·        When you create an inline style, you add styles to each individual tag within the html file.

·        Style sheets use a common language called css.

·        If you wanted your paragraphs to be double-spaced, you would enter the style definition: P line-height:2.
