JavaScript Project 1 Test Notes


1.      E-commerce is a business activity that takes place using networked computers and the Internet


2.      A language not capable of creating classes or using inheritance is called  object-based


3.      Properties describes an aspect about an object.


4.      Methods are actions or built-in functions that an object performs.


5.      JavaScript commands are associated with an action as event handlers.


6.      The Language attribute in the SCRIPT tag informs the browser  which scripting language to use


7.      Omitting the Language attribute causes most browsers to default to  JavaScript


8.      The bgColor attribute belongs to the document object.


9.      Variable names  must be more than 1 character in length is not a rule regarding JavaScript.


10.  If a variable does not have to define its data type, it is referred to as loosely typed


11.  Boolean is a data type that contains logical data (i.e., True or False).


12.  A JavaScript object that does not depend or belong to another object is called a(n) built in object.


13.  Relative addressing is the location of any character calculated in relation to the first character in the string.


14.  To join to link one or more strings together means to concatenate.


15.  JavaScript has two methods to call functions.

16.  One way to call a function is through the use of   event handlers.


17.  The setTimeout() method can be used to call functions with a delay. The delay is stated in milliseconds.


18.  JavaScript code that is written to perform certain tasks repeatedly is called a function.


19.  A function written by the Web developer is called a(n) user-defined function.


20.  Web developers generally agree user-defined functions are written in the HEAD section.


21.  The confirm() dialog box returns True if the user clicks an OK button, or False if the user clicks a cancel button.


22.  Many companies build and use Web sites primarily to market and sell their products and services.


23.  Methods are actions or functions that the object can perform.


24.  All JavaScript code does not have to be placed in the HEAD section.


25.  To designate a JavaScript section, you need to use the SCRIPT tag.


26.  If you omit the Language attribute from the SCRIPT tag, the browser automatically uses JAVASCRIPT.


27.  Loosely typed means you do not have to define the variable's data type as numeric or string in advance.


28.  JavaScript does have a Boolean data type.


29.  To indicate the data type, define the variable by assigning a value to the variable.


30.  The writeln() method displays each message on a new line.


31.  The method that extracts a portion of a string based on starting and ending positions is substring(x,y).


32.  The lastModified property belongs to the document object.


33.  A variable name can not begin with a number.