The three common values of the SHAPE property in an image map are RECT, CIRCLE and POLY.

HOTSPOT is a defined area of an image that acts as a hypertext link.

CLIENT-SIDE image map is inserted into a HTML file, and the image map is processed locally by the Web browser.

SERVER-SIDE image map is controlled by the server that stores the Web page.

In the COORDS property, coordinates are expressed as a point’s distance in PIXELS.

The AREA tag is used to specify the areas of the image that will act as hotspots.

The MAP tag gives the name of the image map.

In order to define a hotspot area of an image map, it is necessary to specify the COORDINATES.

The two types of image maps are SERVER-SIDE and CLIENT-SIDE.

An IMAGE MAP lists the coordinates on the image that define the boundaries of the hotspots.