Cascading Style Sheets Chapter 1 Test Notes



SGML is NOT a subset of HTML.

The ability to cascade multiple style sheets, and to determine which sheets and styles take precedence, is a fundamental feature of CSS.

Testing your work in a single browser will NOT ensure the compatibility of your code.

CSS allows comments within an external style sheet, and within a <STYLE> element.

Imported style rules do not take precedence over style rules contained within the document.

Rules that are included first in a style sheet do not take precedence over rules included later in the style sheet.

Netscape has been reluctant to support the CSS standard.

The REL attribute specifies the relationship between the linked and current documents.

Users who were familiar with word-processing tools found HTML solely lacking in its ability to handle even the most basic display characteristics, such as changing the color or typeface of text.          

<MARQUEE> is not supported by Netscape.

Opera is a popular browser from Norway.

<TABLE> is not a structural HTML element.

BGCOLOR, FACE, and ALIGN are HTML atttributes.

In the following line of code:

            H1   {color: red;}

{color: red;} represents the declaration.

Using the STYLE attribute method of defining a style is used the least.

Style rules contained in a(n) <style> element only affect the document in which they reside.

External style sheets do not contain HTML code.

The HREF attribute states the relative URL of the style sheet.

The elements in an HTML document are structured in a hierarchical manner.

A parent element can have more than one child element.

HTML stands for hypertext markup language.

WWWC stands for World Wide Web Consortium.

Currently, there are two versions of CSS.

Within a style rule, the selector determines the element to which the rule is applied.

In the following line of code:

            H1   {color: red;}

the word color is known as the property.

In the following line of code:

            H1   {color: red;}

the word red is known as the value.

External style sheets have a .css file extension.

CSS comments begin with which character(s) / and *.

A style sheet is a set of style rules.

The parent element of the HTML document is <HTML>.