Cascade Style Sheets Chapter 2 Test notes


  1. To make the initial capital a drop capital, you do not have to add the drop property to the style rule.
  2. The <style> element must precede your style rules.
  3. The line of code p {font: serif;} does not set the p element to a serif font style.
  4. h1, h2 {color: red;} sets the color of the h1. and h2 elements to red.
  5. p {color: red; font-size: 10pt;} sets the p element to 10 pt red text.
  6. A descendent selector is also known as a contextual selector.
  7. h1 {margin-left: 30px:} sets the left margin of the h1 element to 30 pixels.
  8. The CSS advanced selection techniques, such as the CLASS and ID attributes are supported in IE 5.0, Netscape 6.0, and Opera 5.0.
  9. Head is not a core attribute.
  10. p.header restricts the use of the class header to p elements.
  11. Div element contains no additional white space around the element.
  12. Div.header :font-size: 14pt;} is the correct use of the DIV element.
  13. A is the only element in XHTML that can be a hypertext link.
  14. First-letter is used to apply style rules to the first letter on any element.
  15. Margin properties are not supported by :first-line.
  16. The universal selector does not override all other selectors.
  17. Child, adjacent sibling and dynamic are not supported by Netscape 4.0.
  18. :lang is not a dynamic pseudo-class.
  19. :active applies the style when the user holds down the mouse button on a hypertext link.
  20. Attribute selectors are helpful if you need to add style rules to XHTML documents in which you do not want to alter the existing code by adding new elements such as DIV, or you do not want to alter the existing code by adding new attributes such as CLASS.
  21. In the line of code h1 {color: red;}, h1 is known as the selector.
  22. In the line of code h1 {color: red;}, color: red is known as the declaration.
  23. The first element at the top of an XHTML document is HTML.
  24. The period(.) flag character indicates that the selector is a class selector.
  25. If you have defined a style rule for a class named “text”, the statement: <p class=”text”>This text will be affected.</p> apples the rule to the p element in the document using the class attribute.
  26. The statement .header {font-family: sans-serif;} is a style rule for the class selector named header the has a sas-serif font.
  27. :first-line can only be applied to a block-level element.
  28. The symbol for the universal selector is the asterisk (*).
  29. The style rule for the h3 element that sets the text 150% larger that the browser default font size is:h3 {font-size: 150%;}.
  30. The :hover pseudo-class lets you apply a style appears when the user points to an element with a pointing device.