<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/turner_sutherland/eagleswebb.com/leasplace/justwavs/instrumentals/vangeli - chariotsoffire.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to Mrs.Turner's Web Site!!!!
Take a look through to see what's happening in our 4th grade class!
My Mission Statement
        To treat all my students with care and respect,
         To teach each student as an individual learner and meet their specific needs,
         To help make learning exciting and meaningful,
         To assist each child in reaching their academic potential,
         To never degrade and always lift up,
         To facilitate the creation of a classroom community where students aren't afraid to take risks and can effectively work as a team.......

E-mail ME!!!!!
Below I've created some links that I hope will be helpful in giving you some general information about our class.
What's new this month??--updated  9/28/04
The Giving Tree:  items that our class could use
Lexile.com (Helps you find appropriate books for your child!!!)
Frequently Asked Questions
Expectations for reading, writing  math asssessments
Our Classroom Mission Statement
What does writing in fourth grade look like?
Curriculum Connection:  What are we learning in class?
Great links for the kids!!
Behavior Expectations
I am looking forward to a terrific year!