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The Meyer Terkel cousins? of Tarnopol

The following two family branches are surely related,
despite surname spelling

Terkel v. Türkel

also please observe that the two daughters (of each Meyer)
are having the same names, Jenny and Chuli;
they were born however on different dates but at the same priod.

This is part of a larger tree presented fully elsewhere

a new assumption ?
      The enigma of Prof. Joseph Terkel from Tel-Aviv Univ.

The following three Meyer Terkel different individuals from Tarnopol,
were born 1840, 1845 and 1850 respectively.

see a comment made due to Lotte and Mitzi Terkel who both survived the Holocaust

    Based on the repeated names Meyer T in Tarnpol area and their birth years, it's reasonable to believe there was a Meyer Terk'l, born apparently between 1780 and 1820 and died between 1830 and 1837.

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