
To reach Turia one must first successfully surpass and traverse the Plains of Turia, and the dangerous lands that they mark. Living within the plains are Wagon People and having made Y/your way past them the Glistening strong walls of the city are finally within view.

As Y/you grow closer to the entrance, the dust rises from the winds and the ground, Y/your eyes fall upon Strong and Alert Guards that are patrolling at the Gates, as well as atop the wall. Eyes never once faltering from the Plains, Sky, Or people moving to enter and exit the city. Fully prepared to stop a commotion, and well trained to defend should danger arise.

The reputation of Turia, and the fact it is a Nine walled city are well known and there are several gates visible from Y/your immediate view, though all that Y/you see are locked and closed. The only gate that Y/you can see left open is the Main one that is patrolled and guarded, for it is the only one that Travelers, Visitors, and Wanderers can readily access for entrance, exit, and passage into and out of the city of Turia. The Guards at the Gate Stop A/any before they enter, asking their intent of time within the city, and if it a true reason, then Y/you are let inside.

After entering the Gates, Y/you look around and can see merchants selling their wares, Signs for paga Taverns and the boisterous yell of a Slaver selling His property all once working to catch Y/your immediate attention. A Winery is not to far away, Which sells several different kinds of Drink, from the affordable to the more exotic, much like the Rare Turian Liqueur. There are countless types of business and not to far down the streets is a sign for the Public baths, one more thing that Turia is well known For.

After entering the Gates, Y/you look around and can see merchants selling their wares, Signs for paga Taverns and the boisterous yell of a Slaver selling His property all at once working to catch Y/your immediate attention. A Winery is not to far away, Which sells several different kinds of Drink, from the affordable to the more exotic, much like the Rare Turian Liqueur. There are countless types of business and not to far down the streets is a sign for the Public baths, one more thing that Turia is well known for. As Y/you wander, in time you make way to slip past into the Main Hall of the Ubar and His Ubara. Sitting upon the Dais is the Ubar in the center, To His right is an empty chair, for His City second and to the Left is Rayne His Ubara. The Ubar rules Fairly with the Help of His sharp wits and eyes all those who would come to see Him.

Turia would like to thank Lady Eternity, formerly eternity{DP_T} of Voltai Range, for her help in the creation of this site
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