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Grupuri rosicruciene moderne  Eseuri (romāneşte)

TG is a Magister of Metaphysical Studies Romanian Society, which is being deeply restructured, being actually assimillated in the Cultural Association "Thinker" - Intellect Club [Romania]. TG is chartered by Lucian Iordănescu to set up Intellect Club Netherlands.

IC Organigram
The Statute of Intelect Club Netherlands
The Fundamental Principles Charta of Intelect Club Netherlands
Excerpts of Functioning and Organizing Regulations
Annex 1  Annex 2  Annex 3

Intellect Club mailgroup

All materials at this site are copyrighted © 1991-2008 TG and/or LI, unless they have been gathered from the public domain. 

Het Bijbel en de genocide
The Bible and the genocide
Biblia si genocidul

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Why Jethro, Priest of On?