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Claire's Trich poem

I, he, she, others...
So many people out there
suffer ... alone ...
but together.

So much in common
so many ...
so alone ... every last one.
It's okay
It's okay
You're not the only one

feel alone
feel like a freak!
Why me?
Why can't I stop?
Simple concept
but there's more to it.

I've tried everything
can't stop
It's bad for me
Why do I do it?
Unexplainable urge and strange satisfaction overule logic.

It's comforting.
Why? That's bizarre!!
I've always done it ... always
can't stop now
can't remember when it started ...
Long ago.

I can't remember back to when I didn't do it.
It's a part of me.
It's the way I am
It's what I do,
and I hate it!

No one understands
they laugh or shrug it off.
They don't understand.
You can't unless it's a part of you too.
You have to suffer ...
To experience every aspect of it to understand
the anguish.

That's why I feel so alone.
I need someone ...
someone who understands how it feels
That's the Trich

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