Season Packet: salt, powdered soy sauce(water, soybeans, wheat, salt), monosodium glutamate, hydrolized soy protein, sugar, anchovy, garlic, ginger, spice, yeast extract, rapeseed oil
Flake: corn, sesame seed, seaweed, onion, carrot, green onion
Spicyness: 1
Comment: This is the first Japanese ramen I am reviewing. And I have to say I'm really impressed with this ramen. I believe this is soy sauce flavored. The broth has a salty flavor, but not too salty. But there is such depth to the broth, much different than other brands of ramen. This is one of my favorite broths. The addition of the corn adds a nice sweetness. And the sesame seeds and a nice flavor.This is a great ramen.
Overall: 5
Origin: Japan
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Season Packet: sugar, salt, spice, powdered soy sauce(water, soybeans, wheat, salt), tomato, hydrolized soy protein, brown sugar, granulated suagar, dextrin, momnosodium glutamate, glucose, caramel coloring, onion, rapeseed oil, gralic
Flake: cabbage
Comment: Here's a different sytle of ramen. This one you drain the water off of the noodles and add the seasoning packet to the noodles. Its a little difficult to get the mix to disolve with the lack of water, so I would suggest leaving just a little in to help disolve it. The sauce has a sweet and salty flavor. With a little hint of tomato, but for the most part just sweet. There is an abundance of cabbage which add texture to the noodles. A different but good ramen.
Overall: 4
Season Packet: soybean paste(soybean, salt, water, malted rice), salt, monosodium glutamate, garlic, sugar, scallop extract, spice, kelp, caramel coloring, ginger, citric acid
Flake: corn, sesame seed, onion, carrot, seaweed, green onion
Spicyness: 1
Comment: Miso soup is one of my favorites. The broth was a brownish color and had a miso flavor to it. A little salty and no spicyness. The ample additon of veggies add to the texture and the corn are very sweet. Anoter great ramen from Shirakiku.
Overall: 5
Season Packet: salt, powdered soy sauce(water, soybeans, wheat, salt), monosodium glutamate, sugar, red pepper, garlic, soybean paste(soybean, salt, water, malted rice), paprika coloring, caramel coloring, rapeseed oil
Dehydrated Mix: cabbage, sesame seed, corn, carrot, green onion
Spicyness: 4
Comment: I didn't expect this one to be so spicy, but I love spicy food this really hit the spot. The broth had a miso flavish taste, but the nice thing here is the spicyness. It really compliements the soybean flavor nicely. The ample supple of veggies helps to round things out. My only complaint would be with sesame seeds they all fall to the bottom of the broth and a big mouthful of seeds at the end.
Overall: 5
Bowl Size: 7.76oz/220g
Soup Base: soy sauce, bonito extract, anchovy extract, malt syrup, sugar, salt
Dehydrated Mix: green onion, fried starch, red pepper, laver, fish cake
Spicyness: 2
Comment: The udon noodles for this one are already prepared and you just need to add hot water and everything is ready. The noodles were a little tough and chewy which is typical of these that are already prepared. The broth had a fishy smell and definetly a fish taste. Some red pepper provides a little spicyness and a large amount of green onion and laver help provide some texture. Overall not one of my favorites from Shirakiku but a decent ramen.
Overall: 3