Soup Base: salt, artificial chicken soup flavoring, sugar, spices(fennel, star anise, ginger, garlic), monosodium gluatmate, artificial abalone flavoring, pepper powder
Dehydrated Mix: cabbage, wakame, corn, chives
Spicyness: 1
Comment: When I picked this bowl up at my local Asian grocery store I noticed that the bowl said wonton noodles. Wonton noodles are thin egg noodles generally served with wontons in the soup. Unfortunately, there are not any wontons in this soup. The broth was the usual salt filled flavor that dominates ramen, but there was a chicken and a slight seafood flavor in the background. There was an ample amount of veggies and that provided a lot of crunch texture, but the real treat was the noodles. Being egg noodles they provided a different texture and feel. They were chewy and held up in the broth and did not become mushy. Throw a couple of wontons in this ramen and you have a kick ass meal.
Overall: 5
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Soup Base: salt, sugar, hydrolzed vegetable protein, scallop powder, monosodium glutamate, lobster flavor, pepper powder, chives
Oil Packet: palm oil, prawn flavor, MSG, shallot
Dehydrated Mix: cabbage, wakame, corn, chives
Spicyness: 1
Comment: Lobsters and scallops are some of my favorite seafood too bad all I have in this ramen is the "flavoring". Regardless, another seafood offering from Kamfen with the same style of wonton noodles. The noodle were great a nice chewy texture that does not get bloated and soggy as your normal ramen noodles. The broth had a salty and seafood taste to go along with the strong seafood smell. There was a lot of veggies which added a good bit of crunch due to the cabbage and corn. Overall not as good as my first review but still good.
Overall: 4