1. Call "CQ, CQ, CQ," or "CQ Net, CQ Net, CQ Net"
"This is the Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net"
"The Net Control station this morning(or afternoon) is (your callsign)"
"This Net meets twice daily on this Frequency, 3.815 Mhz, at 1030 and again at 2230Z"

2. " The purpose of the net is to:
a. Handle Emergency Situations,
b. Exchange Weather information,
c. Pass regular Amateur Radio Traffic."

3. "The net will accept emergency traffic at any time."
"Are there any stations on frequency with Emergency traffic at this time?"

4.  If nothing heard proceed.
"Any stations with priority traffic?"
"Any maritime mobile stations?"
"Any stations on low power or needing assistance?"
"Any stations on short time with or without traffic?"

5. Begin The Roll Call.

6. Remember to give your callsign and name regularly during the net.

7. Remember to Break for Weather 5 Minutes into the net. Ask first for stations with Official Reports.
8. Once this is completed ask for Weather Observations.

9. At the CONTROLLERS convenience, stations requesting QSO's wth other stations will be put together on frequencies nearby e.g. 3.795. 3.800. 3.805,  3.825, 3.830, 3.835 Mhz. Notice there is at least 10Kcs clear on either side of 3.815.

10. On completion of the roll, call for late check-ins.

11. Call for any final business for the net.

12. Secure the net giving number of check-ins and time of closing. Also give brief repeat of any severe weather systems or other information of  importance.

The above information is prepared as a GUIDE only for present and future controllers.
by 9Z4CP.

Amateur 20M HF Emergency Nets

The following frequencies are active in the North Western Hemisphere whenever a Hurricane Watch is activated :

14.185  USB    Caribbean Emergency
14.283  USB    Caribus (Health and Welfare)
14.290  USB    ARRL-W1AW  Special Bulletins (Voice)
14.303  USB    International Assistance and Traffic
14.325  USB    Hurricane Watch  (Amateur-to National Hurricane Centre)
The Annual General Meeting of the Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net was held on Sunday, May 12, 2002 at approximately 1100Z on 7.162MHz. Subsequent to which the elected officers for the ensuing year are as follows:

Net Manager                 J69BB    Rosemin
Deputy Net Manager    J73CS    Cecil
Secretary                       8P6AA    Arthur
Assistant Secretary      J73VW   Valda
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