Peer to Mail - 於你的網頁郵件帳戶分享及儲存檔案!

>> Peer2Mail 說明

>> 主題 >> 簡介 Peer2Mail 為第一個軟體讓你使用任何網頁郵件帳戶儲存及分享檔案。 如果你擁有一個大容量的網頁郵件帳戶, 你能使用 P2M 來儲存檔案於信箱。 網頁郵件提供者諸如 Gmail (古格信箱), Walla!, 雅虎及更多, 提供範圍由 100MB 到 3GB 的儲存空間。
P2M 分割你要儲存/分享的檔案並加密他。 然後 P2M 一個接一個傳送檔案片段到你的郵件帳戶。 P2M 一次上傳所有的片段, 你能夠下載並使用 P2M 來合併片段回原來的檔案。

>> 傳送檔案 為了傳送文件到電子郵件帳戶, Peer2Mail 需要分割檔案為片段。 網頁郵件提供者限制電子郵件附件大小通常一般在 10Megs, 但由於傳輸編碼造成郵件大小增加, 極限定義需要少幾 MB (通常為 7MB)。 檔案傳送前使用以下對話框:

  • 檔 案名稱 - 你想要傳送的檔案。 你能夠使用瀏覽按鈕選取單一或多個檔案。
  • 傳 送到 - 收件者將會接收到檔案 (網頁郵件帳戶)。 當使用直接傳輸你可能只能輸入一個電子郵件地址。 如果你是透過 MAPI 傳輸而你將能夠輸入更多想要傳輸的收件者; 使用多收件者按鈕可簡單的新增電子郵件地址使用半形分號分隔 ( ; )。
  • 選 擇性加密密碼 - P2M 自動加密各個片段來保護你皚隱私, 然而你能夠設定密碼來加密提升隱私到最大。 你合併片段還原時將需要這個密碼。
  • 片 段大小 - P2M 分割檔案為片段。 於此, 你能夠決定片段大小, 必須在網頁郵件提供者限制附件大小內一般為 10Megs, 但由於傳輸編碼造成郵件大小增加, 極限定義需要少幾 (通常為 7MB)。 本項建議測試你的網頁郵件提供者以求他能接收的附件大小。
  • 傳 送模式 -
    • 直 接傳送 - P2M 已經建立 SMTP 元件可以直接傂送片段到網頁郵件服務。 你不需要為了使用 P2M 輸入你的 ISP 細節。 如果你使用這個功能請確定你輸入正確的值於 「來源郵件地址」 因為某些網頁郵件提供者拒絕拒絕郵件訊息沒有 'From' 位址。 實際上你可以輸入一個假的郵件地址。
    • 透 過 MAPI 傳送 - P2M 能夠使用 MAPI 送出片端 (通常為你的 outlook 用戶端)。 你你使用這個選項 P2M 將分割檔案並移動傳送回應到 Outlook。 注意這將會使用你的 ISP SMTP 伺服器及細節來傳送檔案。 當你使用這個選項你能夠輸入多收件者。
    • 透 過 SMTP 傳送 - 使用你的 ISP SMTP 伺服器傳送片殮。 If you are using this feature please make sure you enter a value in the 「來源郵件地址」 because some web-mail providers reject email messages where there is no 'From' address. You can even enter a fake mail address. You may enter as many recipients as you wish when using this option.
  • 來 源郵件地址 - This is the source address of the mail. This address doesn't have to be valid, although sometimes web-mail providers reject emails where the domain part of the address isn't valid.

Once you are done, click on the Ok button. You can now choose if you want P2M to send all the segments or only specific few by checking/un-checking the checkboxes. Once you are ready, click on the Send button. It may take a few hours to complete the operation depending on the file size and your internet connection.
備註: If you are using an antivirus program that scans outgoing mail, it is recommended to disable this feature since it takes a long time for each segment to be scanned.

  • 直 接傳送
    In case you don't want Peer2Mail to split, zip and encrypt your files, and just want to send the files "as is嚙�" then you can use Plain Transfer. This option isn't secure. P2M just sends the file as an email attachment and some web mail providers might even block it.
    由下拉按鈕選擇直接傳送: .
    Once you are done filling the details as described above, click on the Ok button. Once you are ready, click on the Send button.
    備註: If you are using an antivirus program that scans outgoing mail, it is recommended to disable this feature since it takes a long time for each segment to be scanned.

  • 疑難排解
      Peer2mail offers three different ways to send the segments: Direct Send, SMTP, and MAPI. You can choose between the three on the File Split dialog (傳送模式).
      Many errors are explained in the error log file. Search for P2MErrorLog.xml in P2M folder and look for the error description between the <error></error> tags.

    • 直 接傳送:
    • When sending using Direct Send, your computer becomes the SMTP server. This way is easy and fast but not everybody can use it:
      1. Requesting MX record hangs forever: Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) block port 25 that is used to send emails, if your ISP does that then you cannot use Direct Send and need to send via SMTP or MAPI. Also make sure your firewall or anti virus isn't blocking P2M or port 25.
      2. Upload stops and restarts: This means P2M encountered some error, it created a LOG file on P2M directory (P2MErrorLog.xml). Open this file and look for the error description between the <error></error> tags. Usually this error happens because the webmail provider doesn't accept email messages from your IP, but sometimes its because it checks the From Address, try settings some valid email address in the From Address and try again.
    • SMTP 伺服器:
    • SMTP Server is the mail server used by mail clients to send emails. When sending using SMTP server, use your ISP (Internet Service Provider) SMTP server details, do NOT use public SMTP server (like 雅虎, gmail etc).
      If you don't know the SMTP server details, call your ISP and ask them. Set the SMTP details by going to Settings -> SMTP Server Settings. Most SMTP servers require only the server name and port (usually 25). If your SMTP requires SSL make sure you check the SSL check box. If your SMTP server requires logon information make sure to fill you user name and password on the Logon Information box.
    • 透 過 MAPI 傳送:
    • When sending via MAPI, Peer2mail will use your outlook to send the segments. Make sure outlook is open and is configures with your SMTP server details. When sending the files, the progress will go from 0% to 100% in a second, because P2M isn't sending the segments, it moves it to outlook outbox.
      If an error occurs regarding the MAPI session try to set your system user name and password in Settings -> Advanced Settings -> MAPI logon information.

>> 下載片段 P2M includes a built in browser so you can easily log into your web-mail account. Before you can merge the segments you need to download them. It is important that you will save all the segments into the same folder. The first segment name ends with the P2M extension and the rest follow with a serial number 001...00x.

  • 自 動下載
    Peer2Mail can automatically list and download files from web-mail accounts. Currently P2M supports auto-download from Gmail, Walla, 雅虎, Spymac, Unitedemailsystems, Xasamail, Rotomail, Gawab, Hriders and Omnilect. To use this feature, login to your account and click on the green download button (). P2M will then list the segments (may take a few minutes) and at any time you can tell P2M what segment to download by clicking on the checkboxes that appear next to them. Click on the Download button to begin downloading the selected segments.
    If you checked the Auto Merge checkbox then Peer2Mail will automatically merge the segments once the download process is done.

    The listing process can be a bit slow since P2M scans the mail account and gathers information about each attachment. Sometimes a server doesn't reply to a request so P2M might skip it. To fix that, once the listing process is over, click on the refresh button and P2M will re-index only the segments it didn't already list.
    P2M scans for segments only in the inbox for Yahoo, Walla, Spymac, Unitedemailsystems, Xasamailand, Gawab, Rotomail, Hriders, Omnilect, and on all folders with Gmail.

>> 合併片段 Once you completed downloading all the segments, use P2M to merge it back to the original file. Choose the folder you want the file to be saved in and click on the Merge button. The Merge dialog:

  • P2M 檔案 - use the Browse button to select the first segment of the file you wish to merge. The first segment extension is P2M.
  • 解 密密碼 - If you used a password when you sent the ffile to your account, you must enter it now in order to merge it back. Incorrect password will result in a failure to merge the segments.

Once you are done, click on the Ok button. P2M will begin the file merge process.

>> 進階設定 Sometimes MAPI send fails because P2M cannot logon to the MAPI session. You can enter your system User Name and Password and try sending via MAPI again.
If P2M hangs when trying Requesting the MX record from the server, you can override the request by entering the MX record here. Please make sure the MX record corresponds to the mail address you are currently sending the file to.
If you are unable to send via MAPI nor via Direct Send, try sending using your ISP SMTP Server.

>> SMTP 伺服器設定 If you want to send the segments using SMTP server you must provide the server details. Choose SMTP Server Settings from the menu, fill in the server details and click Ok. Usually you only need to provide the server name. If the SMTP server requires authentication, provide the user name and password. In case the server requires SSL connection, check the SSL check box.

>> 工具
  • 帳 戶密碼加密/解密 -
    If you wish to share your web-mail account with your friends and don't want to give them the real password, you can encrypt the real password and share the encrypted password with your friends. Only P2M will know to decrypt the password and your friends can use it to gain restricted access to the web-mail account without knowing the real password. If a user logged in to either Yahoo, Walla, Spymac, Unitedemailsystems, Xasamailand, Gawab, Rotomail, Hriders, Omnilect, Gmail with an encrypted password, Peer2Mail limits his permissions on the account. This is done so he wont be able to delete files, change the password or any other settings on the account.
    To encrypt a password click on the browser tab and click on the orange key button.
    To insure higher security for your encrypted password, Peer2Mail can use a different encryption key for servers that support SSL (Gmail, 雅虎). This way the password will only work on secured servers. SSL servers encrypt the transportation of data between your computer and the server, so it will be impossible to intercept the password while its being transmitted to the server. To create a secured encrypted password (that will work only with SSL servers) check the "Encrypt password for SSL Servers" checkbox.

    In the following dialog enter your password and then click on the Encrypt button. Copy the encrypted password and share it with your friends:

    To decrypt your password, simply paste the encrypted password in the password box; P2M will take care of the decryption process.

    請注意: While P2M is designed to protect your account, we cannot guarantee that the real password is 100% safe even if you encrypt it. Please share it with people you trust.

  • 檔 案分割 -
    If you want only to split and file and upload it manually to your web account, you can do it by choosing 工具 → 分割檔案。 This will split the file, Zip/Encrypt it and save it to a folder you choose.

>> 保護帳戶 (限制存取) You can protect your account by giving your friends restricted access. Restricted access is currently available only for Gmail, 雅虎, Walla, Spymac, Gawab, Rotomail, Hriders, Unitedemailsystems, Xasamail and Omnilect. To restrict your account, just 加密你的密碼 and share it with your friends. In order to access an account with an encrypted password the user must use P2M's inner browser. When using the inner browser the user wont be able to delete files or view/change account settings.
請注意: While P2M is designed to protect your account, we cannot guarantee that the real password is 100% safe even if you encrypt it. Please share it with people you trust.

>> 疑難排解與常見問題集
  • I sent a file using MAPI (my outlook) and when I logged into my account all the segments had "winmail.dat" attachment instead of P2M attachment. What's that all about?
    From Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 138053: "When an end user sends mail to the Internet from an Exchange Windows or Outlook client, a file attachment called Winmail.dat may be automatically added to the end of the message if the recipient's client cannot receive messages in Rich Text Format (RTF). The Winmail.dat file contains Exchange Server RTF information for the message, and may appear to the recipient as a binary file. It is not useful to non-Exchange Server recipients."

    Please read the article to learn How to Prevent the Winmail.dat File from Being Sent to Internet Users. One solution to the problem is to visit and download the WMDecode program found there (look about halfway down the page). This will at least allow you to decode the winmail.dat files and extract any useful attachments from them.

  • I try to send a file but it fails, why?
    Whenever a segment send is failing, a log file is being created in the P2M folder. The log file name is P2MErrorLog.xml. There might be several reasons for a failure:
    1) Your IP is blocked - when using direct send your computer acts as SMTP server. The web mail provider might have blocked your IP. Send the file using your ISP's SMTP server.
    2) The segment size is too big for your web-mail provider.
    3) You are using Direct Send but your ISP or Antivirus software blocks port 25. Either use the advanced settings to enter the MX record manually or send the segments via MAPI or SMTP server. Please note that if you are using an antivirus software that blocks port 25, it might be blocking outgoing traffic even if you try to send via SMTP.
    4) You are using Direct Send and the From Email Address is empty - the web-mail provider rejects an email that has no From address.

  • Is it possible to pause/resume uploads using P2M?
    Yes. Since P2M splits the file into segments you can just stop sending the segments and resume later from where it stopped. When you stop an upload remember what was the last segment you sent, then when you wish to resume, uncheck the segments that you already sent and P2M will send the rest.

  • Peer2Mail doesn't list all the segments in the account. What can I do?
    If it's a matter of missing a segment or two just click on the refresh button and P2M will re-list the missing segments. If the inbox displays a partial list of the segments, from your web mail settings change the number of emails per page to a higher count.

  • 為什麼我的問題沒有在這裡列出?
    If you have more questions search the 論壇(英) for answers and if you don't find an answer, post your question and hopefully we will be able to assist.

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