Raspberry and Lime Shampoo: Part 3

By: Deena

Ken sat huddled in the far corner of the sofa, his arms crossed defensively  across his
chest, fuming furiously. Despite his irate façade, he was scared  shitless. Aya and Omi
occupied the sofa in front of the TV, with Manx  standing behind them. He was sitting on
the sofa in the back of the room,  with Yohji sprawled out *very* close to him. Obviously
the mission last  night had affected Yohji's brain. The guy was crazy. That was the only 
explanation he'd been able to come up with for Yohji's psychotic behavior.

Yohji shifted, his shoulder rubbing slightly against his own. Ken squeezed  himself closer
into the corner of the sofa, his thigh practically flung over  the armrest. Of course there
was no where to go, but at least the motion of  backing away was comforting. Anything
was better than sitting there letting  Yohji *touch* him. His shoulder seethed from the
point of contact and his  hands were shaking. It wasn't fair. He had to sit there, trying to 
concentrate on the video of their next mission while Yohji kept rubbing up  against him
and he couldn't say a damn word without alerting the others! And  Yohji, that stupid
dumbass, just sat there smirking and making suggestive  comments.

/Damn smug bastard/

He hated Yohji. Why in God's name, after all this time, was Yohji suddenly  after him? It
made no sense. Yohji, who rejected missions that didn't  involve pretty ladies, Yohji who
claimed any and all women over eighteen as  his, Yohji who'd had dozens of girlfriends
and hundreds of hot dates since  he'd known him. Hell, Yohji probably got more action in
one week than he was  gonna get in a whole damn lifetime! So was that all a façade?
How could it  be? For certain Asuka wasn't an act. He loved her deeply, but now he was 
chasing him? He couldn't be serious about being...intimate with him, could  he? Despite
the fact that he had kissed him...

Ken's cheeks burned into a flaming blush. He just couldn't think about that  kiss without
blushing. He'd only ever had one girlfriend, Yuriko. During his  time in the J-league, he'd
concentrated solely upon soccer, figuring that  there'd be plenty of time for girls later. He
was utterly inexperienced when  it came to sexual matters. He and Yuriko had only
gotten around to  exchanging a few chaste kisses and none of them could compare in the
least  to what Yohji had done to him back in the supply shop. He didn't even know a  kiss
could be like that, so hot and deep and mind-searing. Yohji's tongue  had been
*everywhere*, doing things he hadn't known were possible. And the  way he had rubbed
his hips against his own, it had felt so incredible. For a  while, as his mind and thoughts
were reduced into emptiness, he had  forgotten that it was another man kissing him.

And that was the most shameful part of all. That for one brief moment,  before Omi had
appeared, he had responded to Yohji's kiss. He, Hidaka Ken  had frenched Yohji back! It
was humiliating beyond belief. He resisted the  urge to groan and sob.

"Thinking about our kiss, ne Ken?" Yohji husked, his rich voice titillating  his ear. He
blew softly, his warm breath sending shivers across Ken's neck  and down his spine. He
was very aware of Yohji's dauntingly arousing  presence at that moment and it petrified

He rubbed his ear frantically against his shoulder, trying to make those  ticklish quivers
go away. "I'm not doing any such thing!" he whispered  stormily. "You're the furthest
thing from my mind!"

One elegant eyebrow arched in question. "And that would explain why you've  shoved
yourself up into the corner of the sofa? Because you're *not*  thinking about me?"

Ken stubbornly refused to answer, not wanting to give Yohji the satisfaction  of hearing
him deny what they both knew to be true. He glared firmly  straight ahead; the last thing
he wanted to see was Yohji's infuriatingly  conceited smirk.

/Egotistical friggin' jackass/

Yohji chuckled condescendingly. "You're not fooling me one bit Hidaka. Your  face is as
easy to read as a book."

"Shut up Yohji," he grit out, trying his best to keep his temper in check.  Patience was
one thing he didn't have much of and Yohji was sorely trying  it.

"In fact," Yohji continued in that silky soft voice, as though he hadn't  spoken, "If that
cute little blush was any indication, I'd say you were  definitely thinking about our kiss."

At the very mention of the word 'kiss', Ken felt his face flush fervently. 

/Damn you Yohji!/ 

"Ah." Yohji swept one long finger down the slope of his warm cheek. "That's  the blush.
How adorable Kenken."

"Don't call me that!" he hissed jerking his face away from Yohji's soft  touch. The older
boy was only inches away from him, his jade eyes blazing.  He swallowed audibly and
forced himself to look away. Maybe if he ignored  Yohji than he'd just- "Gahhh!"

"Shhh," Yohji whispered in his ear, sliding his fingers up Ken's thigh. "Do  you want
them to hear you?"

"Let go of me!" Ken demanded through clenched teeth, trying to ignore the  feeling of
being touched in such an intimate spot.

"I think not," Yohji replied throatily. His squeezed his thigh. "Just feel  Ken."

Ken gasped as Yohji's skillful fingers stroked him. He felt hot all over,  his skin scathing
beneath the fabric of his khakis. Yohji's hand was moving  higher up, heading towards
the sudden ache between his legs.

Without warning Manx flipped the light switch on. With a shriek, Ken yanked  away
from Yohji and his wandering hands and promptly fell onto the floor. On  his butt. For
the second time today. Above him, Yohji snickered.

"You don't have to hurl yourself off the sofa," Manx remarked dryly. "The  video is over."

"Ken kun's especially clumsy today," Omi told everybody. "When I came into  the supply
shop, he was lying on the floor gasping for air. What an accident  it must have been."

"I wouldn't call it an accident," Yohji proclaimed. "Being as Ken seemed to  enjoy it so
much." He winked conspiratorially at the sputtering soccer  player.

"Oh shut up Yohji," Ken snapped as he stood up, determined not to blush. 

"I don't get what you mean," Omi said, frowning. "What did Ken enjoy so  much?"

Yohji grinned hugely. Green eyes filled with sensual promise met his own.  "Well-"

"Let's just get on with it," Aya snapped, scowling. "Leave Ken alone." 

Ken could have kissed Aya at that moment. Figuratively of course, being as  he wasn't,
not in the least, attracted to men. Especially men who were his  teammates. No, he was
straight. Straight as a line and Yohji could bother  him and kiss him all he wanted but he
was *not* attracted to him. And he  never would be. End of story, exit left stage center,
for all time, the end.  And the sooner he convinced Yohji of that, the sooner everything
would be  back to normal.

He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, feeling relieved. All he had to do  was stay away
from Yohji and then all would be well. It was a good plan  dammit and he was gonna
stick to it no matter what.

Manx was scrutinizing them, her gaze swinging from Yohji to Ken and back  again. "Is
there something going on between you two?"

"NO!" he swiftly burst out, before Yohji could say anything. His palms were  sweating
again and he could feel that stupid blush creeping up onto his  face. "Now can we just
drop it?"

Manx finally nodded, after giving him an intense, assessing stare. "Fine.  Now whoever
chooses to take on this mission will have to do it this evening.  Akizuki Hiroshi will be
making the sale tonight. It's imperative that he and  his scientists are killed before he
meets with the buyers."

"Well I guess I'm out," Omi responded. "I'm underage. There's no way I'd get  in."

"This isn't my kind of mission," Aya stated curtly. "Yohji and Ken can  handle it."

Ken felt his heart stop. "N-nani?!!" 

Aya swung annoyed plum eyes in his direction. "I said you and Yohji can  handle it."

"I agree," Manx added. She cast a quick look in Ken's direction. "Although I  think that
Siberian might need a little work for this mission..."

Ken barely heard her. He was too busy glaring at Aya as he and Omi headed  out the
door. Stupid Aya, this was all his fault! The one time Aya had to  open his damn mouth...
Now how was he supposed to stick to his 'stay away  from Yohji' plan? Sure he and Yohji
lived together and worked together but  that didn't mean he had to take missions with the
guy! And of course his  room had a pretty sturdy lock...

"I'll take care of Ken," Yohji declared superciliously. 

"I don't need your friggin' help Kudou!" Ken bit out, his temper flaring at  Yohji's
arrogance. "I can handle everything on my own!"

Yohji shrugged, pushing up his sunglasses. "It's your call. I've gotta get  my stuff
together." He smiled graciously at Manx. "Until next time Manx."

The redhead nodded briskly, her curls bouncing. "Next time then." 

His grin grew into a leer. "And I'll see you tonight Kenken," he added  huskily, placing a
notable emphasis on the word 'tonight'.

Ken looked away furiously and didn't bother to dignify Yohji's words with a  reply.

"Well there's definitely something going on between you two," Manx noted  when Yohji
had gone. "Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

Ken sighed and raked a hand through his hair agitatedly. "No, he's just been  annoying me
lately, that's all." He tried valiantly not to blush. If only  Manx knew the nature of Yohji's
'annoying'. He hastily changed the subject.  "So what's this about me needing a little
work?" He shuffled his feet  embarrassedly. "And can you also brief me on the mission? I
was kind of...uh  distracted during the video."

Manx raised an eyebrow in question. 

"I had a late night, okay?" he muttered defensively. 

"I see." She picked up the manila folder from the coffee table and handed it  to him. "All
the details you need are in here. But in a few words, you and  Balinese are to destroy a
business tycoon named Akizuki Hiroshi. Akizuki's  been secretly sponsoring corrupt
scientists banned from various universities  and other institutions to continue
experimenting with human cloning and  alterations. The Electropolis night club is a front
for their experiments.  They kidnap innocent people and perform tests on them in the
laboratories  that are hidden underneath the club. Tonight Akizuki is meeting with some 
potential buyers for a drug he's sponsored. Your mission is to infiltrate  the club, dispose
of the drug, kill Akizuki and his scientists as well as  destroy the labs."

"Cloning? Sounds like Masafumi all over again." He wrinkled his nose at the  thought of
the man-monster.

"This should be a much simpler mission than that was," Manx stated. "For  one, Schrient
no longer exists."

"Yeah. Good bye and good riddance." He looked over at the redhead. "And  about me
needing work...?" he prodded. "You can't be talking about my  fighting skills."

"I'm not. I was talking about your wardrobe." 

"My wardrobe?!!" He looked down at his blue and white soccer jersey and  cargo khaki
pants. "What's wrong with my wardrobe?"

Manx eyed his clothing with frank aversion. "Tell me, is that what you're  planning to
wear to the club tonight?"

He stared at her confusedly. "Of course not. I'm going to wear my assassin  gear. Why
would I wear anything else? I don't wanna stain my good clothes."

"Oh never mind," she huffed, rolling her eyes exasperatedly. "Just come with  me. A
friend of mine owns a clothing boutique. She'll fix you up."

"Nani?" Ken was aghast. "I don't need any fixing up! I look great! This is  my soccer
jersey dammit!! What's wrong with my clothes I ask?!!!"

Manx smirked as she dragged a ranting Ken out the door. 


Yohji finished tying his hair into a loose ponytail, slipped a pair of black  sunglasses onto
his head and then stood back to observe himself in the full  length mirror. His pants were
black leather and fit him like second skin.  The black coat he wore was sleeveless and
reached beyond his knees. He wore  nothing underneath except for a black band around
his arm. (1) He nodded,  satisfied. He looked good; ready to seduce all the protesting
anxiety  straight out of Ken.

He couldn't help but grin. Tonight would be perfect. Sure Ken would object  at first but
that was only expected. The boy was completely inexperienced  when it came to sex.
He'd even bet that Ken was a virgin, judging from the  way he blushed beet-red anytime
he saw a pretty girl. But this morning,  after a few moments of getting over the shock,
Ken had begun to respond to  his kiss. If Omi hadn't come in when he did, who how far
they'd have gone?  It was only a matter of time. Ken would be his and he would enjoy it,
that  much Yohji knew. And the way he saw it, tonight should give Ken plenty of  time to

The sound of the front door opening jerked him from his thoughts. Ken was  finally
home. He'd disappeared with Manx after the mission briefing, which  was rather sad. He
liked provoking and flirting with Ken. The way his temper  would flare, even while he
blushed was quite endearing. The boy was too  delicious for his own good, that was

He stalked out into the living room, intending to intimidate Ken into  kissing him. He
could still feel Ken's sweet mouth opening for him, his body  trembling beneath his own.
He couldn't wait for the next act. However, the  moment he saw the soccer player, all
rational thoughts fled from his mind.  His jaw dropped.

Ken was sporting a pair of clunky black shoes that were adorned with silver  buckles and
straps. His impossibly tight pants were silver-grayish plastic  that flared gently over his
shoes. He wore a skin-tight, shimmery burgundy  t-shirt that was a few inches too short at
the waist and allowed him a  glimpse of hard stomach muscles. Silver wire was twined
around his neck and  around his left wrist. But the biggest shock was his hair. Those soft, 
chocolate colored locks were streaked silver and burgundy and dark blue. (2)

"Holy shit." 

Ken looked up and his face immediately bloomed into a full-fledged,  no-holds-barred
blush of epic proportions. He mumbled something  incoherently, staring intently at the

If Yohji thought the soccer player looked cute in jeans and a T-shirt, what  the hell was
he now! Ken was screaming sex. Every luscious inch of him was  oozing with blatant
sensuality. Yohji had often thought that Ken should wear  clothes more flattering to his
body but now he revised his opinion. If Ken  dressed like this everyday, he'd go crazy
with lust.

"You look so fucking good," he growled thickly, coming closer to Ken. He  couldn't take
his eyes of the soccer player. He looked so different, so  incredibly hot. God, how he
wanted to shove Ken up against the wall and tear  his shirt off. Slide his hand into those
tight plastic pants and feel how  hot and stiff Ken would be. Suck him hard him until he
blew apart. He wanted  to hear Ken moan his name, feel his tight body clench around him
as he  fucked him so good.

Ken looked like he wanted to bolt. He tugged uncomfortably at the hem of his  shirt,
trying to pull it down to the top of his pants to cover his bare  flesh. "Manx made me visit
her friend who did me up," he explained hastily.  "It's for the mission."

"I see." His voice was hoarse but he couldn't help it. White hot desire was  surging
through his veins and his leather pants were constricting almost  painfully. Ken had
absoluetly no clue what he was doing to him! He tried to  control his desire but that tight
outfit was giving him *very* naughty  thoughts.

"Um," Ken was backing away from him warily. "We probably should be going  now."

"Yeah we probably should," he agreed, distracted by the way Ken's pants were  molded to
his firm thighs.

"Stop it!" 

Ken's sharp tone rivited his gaze up to his flushed face. He lifted an  eyebrow in silent

"Stop looking at me like that Yohji," he warned. 

"Like what Ken?" he murmured silkily. "Like I want to fuck you? Because I  most
assuredly do."

Ken opened his mouth but nothing came out. His eyes bugged out. 

Yohji smirked. He loved to shock Ken. That was the great thing about  inexperienced
virgins, they were just so easily scandalize, Ken being no  exception. Of course now that
Ken's mouth was hanging open, he would have to  do something about it.

He reached out and grabbed Ken by the waist, his hands sliding around  smooth, bare
flesh. He pulled the soccer player into his arms.

Ken gasped, still too shocked to really struggle. "What are you doing?!" 

His mouth descended for Ken's. "I think you know." 

Ken turned his head and his lips fell upon Ken's flushed cheek. "Let me go!" 

"No," he whispered gruffly, licking the soft, sweet flesh. He trailed wet  licks and kisses
down his jaw and onto the silky skin of his ear. Tracing  the delicate pin shell, he was
smugly satisfied to feel Ken shudder. Yohji's  lips moved downwards and sucked roughly
at his neck.

"Stop it Yohji," Ken whined, his eyes falling shut against his will. 

Yohji didn't answer. Instead he slid one hand gently into Ken's shirt,  caressing the taut
flesh. He grasped one nipple and stroked it quickly,  working it into a hard nub. Ken
whimpered, moving restlessly against him.  "Like that Kenken?" he hissed, his other hand
wandering over the firm curve  of the other boy's buttocks. His tongue glided over Ken's
collarbone, and  back up towards that sensitive spot behind his ear.

"Yohji," Ken moaned, his hands clutching Yohji's shoulders.  "Please...d-don't..."

He crushed his mouth against Ken's, putting an end to the moaning. His  tongue swept
into the luscious folds with blatant domination. It was even  sweeter and moister than he
remembered. His hands moved up to tangle into  Ken's streaked hair, as he plundered the
lush, quivering mouth. He thrust  his hips against Ken's, desire enflaming his entire body
as Ken arched  towards him. His tongue was dancing with his own, his hands wrapped
tightly  around Yohji's neck.

For all his virginal protests, Ken was responding. He could feel the  hardness concealed
in tight plastic rock against his own erection. That very  knowledge made him heady with
passion. He sucked violently at Ken, grinding  his pelvis furiously. Their movements
rocked them backwards onto the sofa,  with him straddling the soccer player, his hands
digging into the silky  tresses that spilled over his skin.

Ken wretched away, panting heavily. "The...mi-mission..." 

Yohji nuzzled the long column of exposed throat. "Hmm," he murmured huskily, 
bringing his hand down to fondle Ken's nipple through his shirt. His  erection was
agonizingly hard as he rubbed himself upon Ken. Shit, he wanted  to fuck Ken so bad!

Ken jerked his head back, inadvertently giving him better access to his  neck. "Uhh!"

"Ken," he groaned, sucking his way across slightly sweaty flesh. He stroked  toned
pectorals harder, his movements upon slim hips growing more frenzied.  He was going to
come, this was too much, he had to be inside of him...

Ken was whimpering in earnest now, tears rolling down his cheeks. His hands  were
clutching Yohji's arms tightly, his hips arching against Yohji's  thrusts. This was so wrong
but it felt so good. Nothing he'd ever done had  felt like this. Yohji's hands and his mouth
were doing such amazing things  but it was Yohji! He was confused, so many emotions
conflicting inside him.  Reason was insisting that he get the hell away from Yohji, Duty
was shouting  about the mission and Desire was urging to fuck everything, especially 
Yohji. (3)

He gasped with pleasure, even as duty won out. Using all the strength his 
passion-induced brain could muster, along with a hell of a lot of willpower,  Ken shoved
Yohji away.

Yohji was completely unprepared when Ken pushed him roughly away. He fell  back
against the cushy embrace of the sofa, as Ken stumbled to his feet.

"We have a mission!" he cried, his voice ragged and strained. 

Yohji stared up at him, his erection throbbing with unfulfilled desire. Ken  looked utterly
delectable and so fuckable. His streaked hair was adorably  tousled by his fingers, tear
stained cheeks endearingly pink. His t-shirt  was rumpled, tight pants revealing
*everything*. It took everything inside  of Yohji not to jump his bones.

He stood gracefully, jade eyes locked with coffee tinted ones. "Just  remember where we
left off Ken," he demanded, his voice rough. With one  smooth motion he grabbed Ken's
hand and pressed it hard against his  erection. "Remember this."

Dark eyes grew impossibly wide as a blushing Ken squirmed. 

He resisted the urge to rub himself against the fidgeting hand. "Let's go,"  he grated out


(1) I stole Yohji's outfit from the second manga. Maybe you've seen it? It's  the pic of all
the boyz and Omi's wearing a kawaii lil' ti-dyed t-shirt and  Ken looks so kakkoi in a
bowling shirt thingie and he's got shades! There's  a similar Schwartz pic and
Schulderich's wearing a bandana and Crawford's in  a wetsuit with khakis! Admittedly,
Farfie looks pretty hot...*gryns*

(2) Streaked hair a la Koyasu in the Schlag des Herzens and Dramatic Image  Album
CDs. A must for all clubbers, na? :)

(3) This is for you Nicky, I couldn't resist~! 

Part 4?
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